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(7:34 AM) Me: Online

Me: bITCH you forgot your boxers

Me: how does one even forget to put his boxers back on

Me: I swear dude do I look like your fucking closet just come and get them

Me: Okay I get it someone is ignoring me again huh

Me: Fine, I'm just gonna throw them outta the window hehe

(7:37 AM) Me: Offline
(8:18 PM) Unknown: Online

Unknown: I'm sorry to disappoint you Mister but I think you got the wrong
Unknown: And I don't know whose boxers you're gonna throw out but I bet this person is not gonna like it

(8:19 PM) Me: Online

Me: wELL LoOk who is online now. A couple maaany hours later.

Me: But like better now than never I guess

Unknown: I'm sorry I couldn't text you back sooner but I had some stuff to do so..I sincerely apologize, mister.

Me: how dare you to call me a mister.

Me: If someone knows that I'm a girl then that's you.

Me: I get that you're hungover but you know who's texting you right? I'm that hot chick from yesterday niiiight ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Me: I mean you were the one who just left a note with a number so...

Me: I don't even know your name bro

Unknown: Oh ma'am I apologize again for mistaking you as a man.

Unknown: But I think you're mistaking me too, because I am sure that I was in a plane on my way to Korea this night.

Me: You sure?

Unknown: Pretty sure, yeah

Me: wELP may I know who I am texting right now if it isn't my hot date from yesterday

Me: wait a sec if you aren't that boy then I probably shouldn't say that right

Me: Well fuck it

Me: what the hell made you think that I was a man in first place?

Unknown: Uuuh...I don't even know tbh. I thought like it could also be like a gay thing like-

Unknown: You know what just forget it

Me: well I appreciate that you're thinking like that, but no I'm not gay neither am I a guy.

Me: now could you pleeease tell me who you are

Me: I really need to know if you're hot. I need it for...personal reasons.

Me: Oh and I also need your name, I gotta change ur name in my phone.

Me: you're a boy right? I think I got that right.

Unknown: I am indeed

Unknown: but

Unknown: what makes you think I would just tell you my name and how I look like?

Unknown: How old are you to ask me that?

Unknown: wHy do you even want to keep my number

Me: I'm old enough hun I promise

Me: But I mean like you're a man...I'm a lonely, lonely woman who needs luuurve

Unknown: okay stop it..you know what? just call me Jk

Me: is this some kind of sick joke? This is surely not the name your momma gave you

Me: oh please don't be- I don't want our kids to make fun of ur name

Jk(IHopeItsNotHisRealName): what the hell are you even talking about- you don't even know who I am and I don't even know who you are so-

Jk(IHopeItsNotHisRealName): I could be an old man who is thirsty over young girls

Me: I'm gonna take the risk Jk

Me: Bro seriously get yourself another nickname this one is awful

Jk(IHopeItsNotHisRealName): Okay okay I get it..

Jk(IHopeItsNotHisRealName): You know what ? You can call me Bunny.

Me: Are you going to just keep on giving me some stupid ass nicknames?

Bunny -.- : Heck yeah

Bunny -.- : Now You have to tell me your name tho

Me: You can call me your carrot 🥕

Bunny -.- : No like fr tell me

Me: Payback bish

(8:28 PM) Me: Offline

Bunny -.- : well...however

(8:29 PM) Bunny: Offline

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