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(4:20 PM) Jin Hyung: Online

Jin Hyung: Yah

Jin Hyung: Jungkook-ah where are you

Jin Hyung: We all are back at the dorm already

(4:21 PM) Jungkook: Online

Jungkook: Hyung

Junkook: I was visiting Han ahjumma

Jungkook: I wanted to buy some lobster so we could cook it for dinner today

Jin Hyung: really?

Jin Hyung: well did you at least greet in our name

Jungkook: of course I did

Jungkook: She was happy to see me and said that she'd like us all to meet again

Jin Hyung: well that sounds great

Jin Hyung: but still get your ass back home quickly

Jin Hyung: we're all starving

Jungkook: okay Hyung I'm on my way

Jungkook: I'm so excited for this lobster you can't even imAgine

Jin Hyung: I thought you hated lobster

Jin Hyung: last time we went out to eat lobster you refused to even try a bite

Jungkook: well
Jungkook: Well you should be happy than
that I want to eat it
Jungkook: you always tell us "eat fish fish is delicious fish is healthy fisH fiSH FISH
Jungkook:  Anyways I'm on my way hooome

(4:25 PM) Jungkook: Offline

Jin Hyung: you ungrateful child

Jin Hyung: *sigh*

(4:46 PM) Jin Hyung: Offline

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