„Okay. Everything is ready, we can start to eat now." Rachel said. Jungkook nodded and shyly took his chopsticks to place the food out of the big bowl in the middle of the table on his little plate. Rachel turned on the radio so that it wouldn't be too quiet as they were eating.After their little incident in the bathroom, there firstly was a strange tension between the two of them. But after Rachel laughed it off, Jungkook laughed as well (trying not to brake out in tears at this exact moment) and they both continued minding their own business.
But even while they were both laughing, it was clear to see that this situation was kind of embarrassing. Not because Jungkook junior was small- the total opposite. (At least that's what Rachel thought after seeing it..)
What Rachel tried to do, was acting like she had seen plenty of different penises before, which was true, but this time-it was different.She blushed and she couldn't hide it. She also was strangely attracted to Jungkook, seeing him naked made everything in her dirty ass mind even better.
But on a more serious note, she knew that Jungkook was not an easy person. Even though she only knew him for a while, she had already figured out all his flaws.She would catch him being lost in his thoughts every once in a while. Also, she knew exactly what she had to do to shut him down if he wouldn't stop talking. She thought it was extremely cute seeing him not understanding something.
Jungkook on the other hand was super happy he had Rachel as a friend now. Even though nothing could tear apart him and his members, it was kind of a relief for not being with them but with a girl once. Since the age of 13, the members were always around him.
He always kept his contract in mind, which included a non-dating rule-even tho this part of the contract had already expired...
Don't call me up ~jjk~
Roman d'amourThe story of a naughty girl who accuses Jeon Jungkook of forgetting his boxers in her bedroom after an one night stand.. -This is a texting Story-