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A lot of you will probably be wondering where I've been, why I was gone for so long, why I'm here now, and why I'm still coming out with MLP fanfictions, especially since the show is ending already.

Basically, I forgot the password to my account, and I was using the WRONG ACCOUNT to try and sign in, and eventually I gave up, and eventually after that, completely forgot about posting any of these stories altogether. I tried occasionally, but it never worked. But I was inspired upon rechecking with my account, and finding that Not So Dark After All had OVER A THOUSAND VIEWS. I tried again, this time with my SCHOOL account, and it worked! So we're back!

I'm posting another Twicord story because A. I don't really feel like finishing the other ones. This one feels more complete to me. And B. I've been working on this one off and on, and it has over twenty pages now. I might as well post it, since it's doing no good just rotting in my drive.

I know the show's ending, and there's no point in writing fanfictions anymore since the fandom is probably gonna die anyway, and it already is, but I felt like posting this, because I like it.

It's based off of one of my paragraphs from my other things, Dead Stories. Yeah, one of those. It has a little too many elements in it, and yes, it involves King Sombra coming back and being captured. I'm shipping him as well, a little bit on the sidelines with Sunburst (Yes I ship Somburst now and it is literally one of the cutest rarest ships I've ever seen). 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this one, and forgive me for being so, SO late. Thanks!

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