Part 2

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"Oh, what on Earth is she doing now?"

Discord peered at Twilight through her window. She carefully dropped some foreign liquid into a beaker on the other side of the table, furiously making notes and sketching as it changed colors, reacting with the chemicals already inside. He rolled his eyes. Slowly, he shoved the window open with one talon. Sinking his sharp claws into the stone, he slowly crawled through the sill and down the wall, his eyes focused on Twilight. He looked like a damn gecko.

With a soft thud, he reached the floor, spreading his wings for balance. He creeped towards her. Slowly, he rose to his full height, summoning several storm clouds behind him. She made the mistake of turning around.

Her shriek was heard all the way through Canterlot, followed by Discord's roaring laughter.

"DISCORD!" she squealed. "What was that for?!"

"Fun!" he replied simply, wiping a tear from his eye. "And must I say it, you are one fun pony to scare, Twilight. I thank you kindly for the entertainment."

She rolled her eyes at him with a snort. She decided to ignore him.

That proved to be her second mistake of the day, followed by countless others.

Whipping around, she plucked off one petal from the flower Discord had given her. Intrigued, he glanced curiously over her shoulder, flapping his wings quietly to watch her work. She dropped the petal into the chemical mixture and watched as it suddenly dispersed and evaporated. She whinnied in frustration.

He clucked disapprovingly. "Oh dear. What a disappointment."

Twilight glared at him. He smiled innocently, a glowing halo appearing above his head.

She turned back to her experiments. "I'm trying to see what chemicals this flower reacts with. It has to react with something, or have a use of some sort. I can't have done this for nothing."

"I adore your confidence, my dear. Perhaps I can help."

"The last time you gave me your help, you almost killed off an entire species."

"The last time I gave you my help, you obtained the only existing remnant of that species. So I'd say it's a win-win situation, Princess. You got the flower, I got the pleasure of hearing you shriek very loudly, a sound which I don't hear too often these days from a princess. I'd say the feeling is mutual."

Twilight huffed with a grim smile. "I doubt it," she said.

Discord elongated his body to better look her in the face, grinning happily. "Oh, come now, Twilight. I can be very helpful when I want to be! Which isn't very often, to be fair, but if you ask nicely, then maybe I'd be willing to give you some assistance."

"Okay, fine. You can help me by..." She glanced around the room before smiling smugly at a collection of blankets and pillows but a short distance away. "Sitting over there and not moving unless I tell you to."

With a disappointed snort, he laid down genially across the given nest. Discord was very tempted to retort in some way, shape, or form, but found himself holding back. His ears folded across his head.

"Did you...just...listen to me?" Twilight asked genuinely.

He lifted his head, pouting at her. "Yes. I guess you can say I did."

She blinked at him. "I...honestly don't know what to say to you right now."

He sighed, laying his head down slowly. He avoided her gaze.

She continued her work in silence, and almost forgot he was there for a long while. She could always see him in the corner of her vision. Soon enough, she'd forgotten his existence altogether, her mind deeply invested in this mysterious plant she was studying. But at the end of the day, when it was all done and over with, and the Sun was setting lazily, she turned around the find the lengthy, thin, strange chimera sprawled across the makeshift nest, snoring quietly.

She approached him warily. He rolled onto his back quickly, grunting at the effort but not waking. As he settled, she poked him in the side gently.


He sat up suddenly, his eyes wide in shock as he glanced quickly around the room. His scarlet eyes landed on her.

"What? What did I miss?" he snorted. 

Twilight had nearly flew across the room, such was her terror. She finally managed to calm down and land on the floor shakily, much to Discord's tired amusement.

"Uhmm..sorry about that," she whispered. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

He rolled his eyes, a smile flashing across his face. "Sure you didn't, Twilight. Sure you didn't."

"I'm serious! I didn't mean to!"

"Of course you would say that. But deep inside you know you wanted to."

She started back again, her ears folding. "What? No I didn't!"

He turned his face away from her. He even feigned annoyment by huffing angrily.

She whimpered. "I really didn't."

Finally, he couldn't hold in his laughter anymore. He started with a bout of raucous giggling following by obnoxiously loud snorts.

"For Sunbutt's sake, Twilight Sparkle!" Discord roared. "I'm messing with you! You are absolutely horrible with social cues!"

She looked up.

"Oh, goodness gracious," he continued. "You almost started crying, didn't you?"

She wiped away her unshed tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to!"

He smiled sweetly at her. His forehead creased in concern, and he teleported behind her, wrapping a comforting wing around her shoulder.

"You ponies are all too sensitive. I didn't mean it, alright? Are you okay?"

Twilight laughed weakly. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

He turned away from her, shaking his head. "Ugh. You ponies and your thankfulness. It disgusts me."

"I know."

She yawned suddenly, and Discord got a good, disgusting view of the inside of her mouth.

"You must be tired," he said quietly. "It's been a long day for you."

"Indeed it has been." She slowly walked towards him and curled up next to him, snuggling into the warmth he produced. He blushed, starting aback. But he did not protest.

"Hope you don't mind," she continued. "But this has been my bed for the past couple of days. Studying this flower thing can get really tiring, you know."

"I do. I really do."

He stared at her silently for a few moments as she adjusted herself. Her eyes fluttered close, and her breathing deepened as she fell asleep. Discord rolled his eyes.

But she was oddly warm. Her body heat emanated from her, and Discord, having a tad more cat in him than many thought, began to purr against his will. He curled further around her smaller figure. He smiled.

"How pleasant.." he whispered to himself.

Honestly, I haven't read the beginning of this in a while, so I have no idea if there's anything awkward in here. Guess I'll find out later, huh? I dunno. 

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