Part 3

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Is this the part where I left off last time? I think so.

Twilight awoke the next morning with a big yawn. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked around, and found herself in a very awkward situation.

She had shifted onto her side during the night, and Discord had taken the opportunity to wrap his lion's paw under her shoulder and rest on her chest. His other arm had found its way under her head and acted as her pillow. His stomach was directly behind her back, and she now realized that he was shamelessly cuddling her. He was even smiling.

None too gently, she jabbed him in the chest. His eyes shot open, and he launched away from her.

"What?" he asked innocently.

She rolled her eyes, instead choosing to ignore him and stretch with a massive groan.

"Fine. Don't tell me then." He rolled onto his other side, facing away from her with a pouting expression.

She decided to ignore him.

The first thing she did was examine her desk. It was exactly the way she left it. Good. That meant she could get right back to work, and in another instant, she was sitting at said desk, examining the chemicals she'd laid out the night before.

Discord appeared over her shoulder, peering curiously down at her hooves.

"Well, the early bird gets the worm, though I'm not sure how hard you're willing to work for one," he said quietly.

"The worm in this situation would be giving useful information to ponies all over Equestria."

"Whatever floats your goat, Princess. Whatever floats your goat."

She turned to him, but his eyes were locked on her messy table. She returned to her studies, writing notes furiously on a scroll nearby. She sketched a quick picture of the flower before summoning her faithful assistant the usual way.


He was there in an instant, smiling cheerily, his face lit up in the morning sun. He'd gotten a refreshing night's sleep, and was perfectly used to hearing Twilight's loud calls echoing through the castle.

Discord, however, was fluffed up like a scared cat on the other side of the room. His eyes were pinpricks. His wings were flared, and scrawled on his face was an expression of pure shock and terror. His ears were flattened against his head and neck. 

Overall, he was one scared chaos noodle.

"Can you send a letter for me, please?" Twilight asked sweetly.

"Sure thing!"

Using her magic, the princess held the scroll out in front of him. In a burst of flame, it was a glittering message that flew up and away, swift as the wind, to Canterlot, where Celestia would receive it only seconds later. Twilight smiled at Spike.

"Thank you kindly," she said. "Now go get some breakfast, if you'd like. I got some gems yesterday, and they're all laid out in the kitchen for you."

He nodded, beginning to walk away in his signature gait. But he stopped just a few seconds after. He turned to Discord, smiling brightly, and greeted him before continuing to exit the library. He did not respond.

Twilight turned back to him. "Are you okay?" she asked. There was a note of genuine concern in her voice.

"Yes, I suppose." He climbed down from the wall, brushing dust from his shoulders. "I just had no idea you could scream at that pitch, Twilight Sparkle. You can be quite loud when you want to be, can't you?"

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