Ch2: A pause and a boy

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As I step into my first class one of the boys wink at me, it was the bad boy of the school. Lucifer, as they called him, his actual name is Martin but since his so called 'bad boy' act they nicknamed him as if he was part of 'evil'.

I roll my eyes and sit at the front of the class, as I usually do and sneakily go on my phone before the teacher walks in. "And should you be on that Quinn, put it away please" my teacher asks. "Sorry" I respond and place my phone in my bag. As the lesson starts I write the date in my jotter as if I'm doing my work.

But I drop my pencil and click my fingers, making the teacher stop midway in the title of the book we were studying. Every around me also stops their quiet whispers and their loud sounds of pens and I get up from my chair, smiling as this is the beginning of a great day.

I grab my phone out my pocket and go on it as I was doing before class started, As I'm preoccupied I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around startled, backing away from where I first was. Standing there was 'Lucifer' smirking at me like what I'm doing was normal to him.

I use my hand and try to pause him but it doesn't seem to work. "Oh, sweetheart I don't think that's going to work, you see I can do the same thing as you so your stuck with me for now." He tells me leaving me wide eyed. How can he have this power, I mean out of all people it's 'him' who gets it?!

I look down at me feet, annoyed and embarrassed and I walk away from him heading outside the classroom. I decided to pretend he wasn't there and enjoy my day, except he follows me as I walk down the halls, gliding my hand across the many lockers on the sides. I stop and look back at him, raising an eyebrow. He just laughs and walks past me, grabbing my hand in the process.

I begin to turn red but focus on keeping up with Lucifer, as we head to the lunch hall. "I'm gonna get a drink, why don't we head to one of the teachers offices and have some fun?" He asks, smirking to which I smirk back and nod. We both walk to the vending machine, he lets go off my hand and grabs a few coins out of his pocket, insert it into the half empty machine, which only held some bottles and crisps left as all the sweets were stolen from it already.

He manages to get his drink and then grabs my hand again, we jog out the hall and race through the corridors, about to enjoy all our mischief. We open the door to the headteachers room, we see him smoking weed and burst out laughing. "Oh wow, sorry but that is unacceptable in this school as it's against school rules, to the headteachers office now!" Lucifer says imitating our teacher who sat in front of us, without a care in the world.

Turns out he was sitting with one of his colleagues, personally one of my 'favourite' teachers, Mrs Oten, she 'loves' me. I decide to take the lit cigarette out of one teachers hand and put it into the teacher mouth across from him. I also do my signature act of drawing permanent marker on both of their faces. Lucifer admires what I've done and goes to look through the files of the students here. "Wanna read through yours, unless you've done it before of course?" He asks me, curiously.

"Actually, I haven't done that before, let's go for it!" I respond enthusiastically. We bring over spare seats to the drawer and find my file, eager to see what they wrote about me. I find it and we both look at my performance.

Quinn Era
Current year: 5th year (year 12, 11th grade)
Attendance: 97.0
Current qualifications: 3- Maths, English and Art.

Quinn has always been a great student, focused and ambitious. But for the past 6 months her performance has lowered which we are unknown as to why the fact that is happening. She has started to rebel against some of her teachers which we hope can be solved soon enough, overall a fairly good student who will go places.

"Seriously, they think I'll be going places I'm not so sure about that." I say, laughing half heartedly. "Why don't you think you'll get far?" Lucifer asks me honestly. "Well I'm a disappointment to my family really, my mum probably wouldn't be proud of me right now, ever since I've known about my power I've pushed people away, you see I told my best friend about it and she just laughed at me and then just left out of nowhere, so I don't see the point of letting more people close than I already have, I just hurt them and myself. Sorry for the deep ness."

Out of nowhere the boy gives me a hug, we hold in an embrace for a few minutes, and I just sit there, hopeless in his warm grasp. "Honestly, I do the same thing, that why I always lash out at others and come across as the 'bad boy' I don't mean to be it's just me trying to stay away from others." I return the favour and hug him back but not holding him for as long.

"I guess we'll get along just great then" I say giggling, he joins in and we both smile at each other. "Well start by calling me by my real name. Nice to meet you, my names Martin." He says sincerely. "Well hello there Martin, my name is Quinn." I say back, shaking his hand. "So wanna head back to class, we can have fun at lunch?" He asks me. "Of course, Martin, come on let's go!" I say cheerfully, this time grabbing his hand and jogging back to our class.

Realising halfway down the hall, I run back to the office and put my file away, taking one last look at the masterpiece of the room and walk outside as if nothing happened, as Martin stands behind me I click my fingers and we peek through the small crack in the door and watch the situation. Both teachers look at each other wide eyed and shocked. Mrs Oten grabs the cigarettes currently in her mouth and throws it at our head teacher.

Realising that it's still lit, she jumps from her chair panicking. The other teachers blazer lights on fire and he starts panicking too. They both manage to put it out before anything got worse, me and Martin just stood there, both laughing at our work. Both teachers didn't even realise the art on their faces and both looked in the mirror that was displayed on the wall beside them.

"What kind of stupid prank is this!" Mrs Oten cries. "Babe, I swear it wasn't me!" My head teacher responds making both me and the other boy fake gag. "Well, this is humiliating..." My teacher says. Then Mr Otis, the head teacher wraps his arms around my other teachers waist making it me and Martins cue to leave and we make sure to pause before walking back to our classroom.

Before unpausing, Martin grabs his things and comes over to sit in the spare seat beside me. We both smile at each other cheerfully, I give him the honours and he lets the day continue. We both turn to the front and focus but still keep a small eye on each other for the rest of the period.

End of chapter 2

Let's pause for a second...(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now