Ch3: When did you find out?

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A/n - Short chapter but things have been going on and so I haven't felt like writing at all. Hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll write more soon! Have an amazing day!

Lunch comes along, too quickly you could say.

I walk to a very much vacated table and sit down, enjoying my lunch alone. Suddenly I see Martin, picking up a barely edible looking burger and walking over to me. "Hey." I say, greeting him. "It's gonna be weird having someone new sitting here with me..let's just say it's been a long time since that."

"Well, better get used to it cause you're not getting rid of me any time soon." He responds giggling. I smile and quietly continue my lunch while he talks about his classes. "Hey, I wanna know more about you, it's just me talking here." Martin asks curiously. "Ok ask me anything!" I grin. "So if you tell me I'll tell you, when did you find out you had your 'thing'" he says with finger quotes.

"Well I was around the age of six, as curious as I was about my mother, weird things started to happen which sparked my mind. Sometimes I could move and break objects at will and one day I just clicked my fingers and boom my dad is half way in fall from slipping on the wet floor and my tv randomly turns off." I tell, laughing. "Wow you can really remember things vividly." He responds also laughing.

"I've always had a good memory, I don't if it was a benefit or it's just me." I giggle. "Now, let me hear yours?" He takes in a deep breath and pauses for a second. (Not literally) "As much as your story was fun to hear, I'm not sure how much you'll like mine." "Martin, don't worry whatever it is I'll still be here ok?" "Ok" He says and I grab his hand for comfort.

"So I was 10 and I was having a horrible day, my dad just left my mum and she had a lot to drink that day." Martin takes a pause and I squeeze his hand. "I realised I could control objects with my mind and whenever I did it my eyes lit up a Crystal looking light blue. I ran around, pretending I was a superhero and as soon as I pushed my hand in the air everything stopped, I couldn't hear the clanking of a bottle and the sound of the r-rain."

He chokes up tears, I insisted that we talk about this somewhere else and so we bin our left over food and leave the school, heading to the nearby park. We sit down and I hug him as he continues. "So..I was amazed at myself but what I didn't know that was as soon as I unpaused I couldn't hear the bottles or my mums drunken murmurs, so I walked through to the kitchen a-and.." He tears up again and rub soothing motions on his back.

"You don't need to continue Martin it's alri-" " I can do this.." he takes in another deep breathe and looks into my eyes. "I walk into my kitchen and see my mum, lying on the floor with a broken glass in her hand and a bloody head....if only I just stopped playing for one second I could've done something!" Martin shouts now balling his eyes out. I wrap my arms around him and he cries into my shoulder.

We sit here for the next while, watching the birds fly by and Martin leans his head on my shoulder and smiles at me. I smile back before looking at my phone to see that it was almost the end of lunch. "Wanna skip the rest of the day and have fun!" I ask cheerfully. "Only if you want to of course." "Yeah that would be great...thanks by the way." Martin responds and sits up straight.

I stand up holding my hand out and he grabs it before grinning at me and we walk to the nearby ice cream parlour, giggling and enjoy the nice sunny day.

End of chapter 3

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