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Yoongi's legs almost gave out as he finally made it to the apartment door, not caring that he was completely soaked as he walked inside.

He was confused as he looked around at the apartment because all of the lights were off and all he could hear was heavy breathing.

He took out his phone for light and ran up to his room, grabbed the stuffed bunny, then ran back down the stairs, almost falling midway through. He threw the bags in the fridge, not caring if it needed to be there or not.

"Jimin?" Yoongi questioned as he shined his light into Jimin's bedroom. He saw Jimin sitting against the headboard on his bed with his eyes closed, saying something to himself.

"Jimin.." Yoongi walked, no, ran to Jimin's side, jumping onto the bed next to him.

The boy looked up with tears in his eyes, finally noticing that Yoongi was next to him.

"Yoongi.." he pressed his head into his knees, not wanting Yoongi to see him crying.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around him and frowned. He never was good in these situations, but he remembered what he did last time there was a storm. Nothing.

He did nothing.

"Hey." He said softly as he reached for Jimin's cheek, making him look up at him. Yoongi didn't miss the fact that Jimin's cheeks were red, his eyes were puffy and his eyes were showing the pure look of scared. "Look." Yoongi held up the bunny with a smile.

Jimin suddenly smiled at that as he wiped his tears. "Strawberry." He took the bunny and held onto it tightly. Yoongi smiled even bigger at that. A flash game though the window, making Jimin jump. Yoongi turned and furrowed his eyebrows at the window.

Fuck you, window. Why are you even open? He stood up and closed the blinds and then he closed the curtain. That's dangerous.

"Mini," Yoongi walked back to the bed as Jimin looked up at him, noticing the nickname. "Come here." He lifted the blanket and wrapped Jimin into it as he moved closer.

  Yoongi realized that he was still wet from the rain, but he didn't care to think about that as he got on top of the blanket next to Jimin.

  Jimin looked up at Yoongi as he faced him. They both had been in the bed before together, but they had never faced each other, and it was one of the most breathtaking things ever.

  Both of their hair fell onto the pillows and Yoongi couldn't see Jimin's body, just his face, but that was enough to keep him looking.

  The sound of thunder made Jimin shut his eyes, so Yoongi wrapped his hand around Jimin's small body and pull him closer to him. Jimin was surprised by that, but he kept his eyes closed as he rested his head against Yoongi's chest, glad that he had him there.

  Both of their hearts were beating faster than normal as Yoongi started moving his hand against the younger's back, comforting him.

  Neither of them were sure if this was okay.

  Then again, neither of them cared about that as they fell asleep together, cuddled up.

  Nothing in the world mattered to them.


Roommates |Yoonmin|✔️Where stories live. Discover now