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  Jimin had his earphones in, just like he had for the past two days. Every time he leaves his locked room he puts them in to attempt to ignore Yoongi. He gets texts from him, too. Yoongi asks him what he wants to eat and then he tells him that it's finished and to come eat.

  He feels like Yoongi is suddenly his mom.

  Everything that he once knew before was completely different. The Min Yoongi that was once mean is now actually being nice..?

  Jimin sighed as he walked to the bathroom, wanting to overthink in a bubble bath rather than in his bed all alone. His eyes wondered the floor of the bathroom, wondering why there was steam everywhere, but then he saw a pair of feet right in front of him.

  His mouth gaped open as he looked up at Yoongi, who hadn't even noticed Jimin. He dropped his phone onto the floor, dragging his earphones with it and out of his ears as he quickly covered his eyes. "Shit!"

  "Oh my God-" Yoongi said in surprise as he hurried to wrap his towel around himself.

  Jimin cried in his mind at the thought of seeing Yoongi naked again. Sure, he was beautiful and his skin was very pure, but that was not how he wanted to see Yoongi naked.


  "Shit, what?" Jimin shook his head to himself as he backed away from the door and shut it. He realized that he left his phone in there and he knew that he would have to get it back, so he did. Without thinking, he opened the door again and took his phone back. "Shit, fuck, what? Did I really just-" he groaned to himself. He saw Min Yoongi naked.

  His roommate. Just a roommate. Nothing more. He did not want to see him naked. Not in the slightest. Not at all.



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