Chapter 5: Settling Down?

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     POV: 3rd

     Noble 6 woke up in one corner of his room and looked over at his teammate, Noble 4. 6 stood up and stretched a bit before walking over and nudged Emiles crossed legs, making him wake up. "Come on, we got class at 9."

     Emile groaned as he woke himself up fully. "What time is it?"


     Emile got up. "Fine, let's just grab the school shit and go." 6 gave a nod and the two grabbed their school supplies before heading to first class.

     On their way 6 suggested making sure that team RWBY were up and ready. Once they were at the door 6 knocked and Ruby answered. Her face lit up as the saw him. "BIG BROTHER!!" Ruby clung to Noble 6 as he hugged her back. "Whatcha doing here?"

     "We came to see if you all were up." Emile answered.

     Yang came over. "Yup, we all are. Just decorating our room is all."

     "Well you should do that later, it's 8:45." 6 informed.

     "Says the two in armor when they SHOULD be in student uniforms." Weiss saiud as she leaned on her hip and crossed her arms.

     "YOU try spending 5 hours to get this armor off." Emile retorted.

     "Emile, don't. You'll only antagonize it."

     "IT!?!" Everyone laughed except for her.

     "Well, we'll be off." 6 said. Ruby pouted as he and Emile went to class.

     (Mini timeskip)

     "MONSTERS!!" The professor exclaimed dramatically, Emile snickered. "Deeemons!" This time 6 snickered. "PROWLWERS of the night!" They both snicker. "Yes the grimm have many a name, but I simply call them..."

     "A joke." 6 muttered
     "Not even." Emile replied.

     "Prey." Professor Port finally said. 6 and Emile, as well as the rest of the class were uninterested in the story he started telling. Eventually he asked who felt like a huntsman or huntress. Both Emile and Weiss volunteered, though Port let Emile have it. The skullfaced spartan walked to the front and got ready for a fight. When the cage opened to show the boarbutusk it immediately started its spin attack. Emile simply kicked it up and kept bouncing it off his foot.

     POV: Noble 6

     I couldn't believe how much of a fucking idiot he was being! Yes it's weaker then a damn grunt, but that shit can get him killed...again! "Emile! It's not a fucking happy sack! Kill the damn thing!"

     "Can't I have a bit of fun?" He asked.

     "No! Kill it!"

     Emile eventually caught it by a tusk and broke it off, then lodged it in the eye socket. The grimm died easily.

     Everyone was amazed and terrified of Emiles power. He walked back to where I was before class ended. We were walking through the halls when Emile said something. "Six watch out!"

     Someone bumped into me so I leaned over and caught them with one arm around their waist before they could hit the ground. It was a woman, the one that TRIED to interogate me when I first came back to Remnant. Now that I wasn't in pain I was able to notice her features much better. She had silver white hair and piercing blue eyes, her hair was up in a bun except for a small part of her bangs which hung freely. Even her figure, formed but not overly cur-the fuck is wrong with me?! She was blushing immensely. "H-H-Hi."

     "H-Hey." I responded, I felt my face heat up.

     "Y-You can let me go now."

     "Oh, r-right." I helped her to her feet.

     "Th-Thank you. Winter Schnee." She offered a hand shake.

     "Onyx Rose, otherwise known as Noble 6." I replied, shacking her hand. I felt my face heat up again touching her and she blushed even more.

     "The fuck am I watching?" Emile asked

     POV: Noble 4

     6 looked over at me, though I couldn't see it I could tell it was a death stare. I don't gibe a shit how scary Jorge was, he couldn't compete with 6...I know from personal experience. "Do you WANT me to kick your ass?" He asked.

     "No sir." I muttered

     "Then shut the fuck up." He said before turning back to Winter.

     POV: Noble 6

     "So anyway, what brings you here?" I asked.

     "Oh! Ironwood has assigned me to help you two get acquainted to civilian life." She replied. "So we'll be seeing each other often."

     Emile came over and wrapped an arm around me. "You wouldn't regret it he's a spartan. Second deadliest to ever live, faces entire armies alone and is also a la-" I cut him off, smacking him upside the head.

     "Anyway, that's great! I'd like to have you show me around." I replied.

     Winter blushed. "That's great! How about tomorrow noontime?"

     "Sounds good, see you then." I walked back to our dorm room with Emile.

     POV: Noble 4

     6 and I got back to our dorm. "Ha haaaa! You're the first spartan to ever...6? 6 I don't like that look."

     He was seething with rage. "You shouldn't." I knew what that tone of voice ment. My ass ran faster then the time I pranked him at Sword Base, 6 hot on my heels.

     POV: Ruby

     "I always wanted bunk beds as a kid." Weiss said before she tried leaving the room.

     The door burst open, causing Yang and Blake to wake up and all four of us to scream. Emile was on the floor, hanging onto the door frame. "HELP MEEEEE!!" He yelled as the part of the door frame was torn off from something pulling his legs.

     "GET OVER HERE!!" Onyx yelled. I felt bad for Emile, my big brother gave the most brutal beatdown I've ever seen. That's saying something since that's how Yang KILLS grimm.

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