Chapter 9

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Blisters were forming from my high heels as I walked home alone. I removed my heels and walked barefoot, the ground was cold and rough and rocks were scattered around. As I arrived at my house I turned right into the forest.
The forest floor was cold and moist, the leaves slippery and dirt clingy. The wind was dead making the trees silent and only the sounds of running water and moving animals are heard. I climb up and into the tree house, Clinton sits there with his elbows on his knees and head resting in hands.
I turn to leave but Clinton stops me, "no I'll go, it's your place now" sincerity laced in his voice.
"Ok" I say and go sit down on a near by stool. He looks at me hurt and nods. He begins walking down the ladder when he stops.
"Oh wait. That stool your on, yeah it's mine. Same with the ladder and 50% of this whole treehouse so since its yours now I guess I should take my stuff"
"Fine you can stay" I snap and move onto the floor. Clinton smiles in victory and moves to the stool I was sitting on.
"So how about we just be friends again?" Clinton asks turning to me
I laugh, hard. "No fucking way"
"Why not!"
"Because I hate you and you can't be friends with someone you hate"
"Says who"
"Says...I don't know the book of friendship?"
"Rules were made to be broken"
"No, they really weren't"
"Come on Bridgette! What do you want me to do?" Clinton pleads as he gets off the stool to kneel in front of me. I honestly don't know how to answer that, what would he have to do to kill my hatred?
"Why do you want to be friends with me so bad anyway? You've been a dick to me for years"
"I was just being a boy!"
"I thought you were a man"
"Yeah well I'm not so sure about that anymore," he looks down at his feet ashamed, "but we were so close when we were younger and I truly cared about you, just what we had was so special we shouldn't have let it slip" he shakes his head in sorrow and looks up at me. Is he like blind or has memory loss or something? It's his fault!
"You let it slip, not me. I've come here everyday since we first found this place, everyday! Then you got a girlfriend and became a jerk, stopped talking to me and stopped coming, I tried to hang on to it, I was the only thing holding it together but I gave up after trying and trying" I huff and comb my hand through my hair in frustration, calm down no repeat of the last conversation, "a girl can only hold on for so long"
Clinton stares at me and nods slowly, "your right. Your so right" he begins shaking his head, "why do I ruin everything? Fuck!" He begins pulling on his hair and lies back down
A sadness overcomes me as I pity Clinton, he's had a hard life.
No he's a dick
But he wants to try again
But he'll make another mistake and break me
You don't know that though
This battle continues in my mind as Clinton sits on the floor tugging at his hair. I stamp my feet in frustration knowing I'm going to regret what I'm about to say, "fine!" Clinton stops and stares at me, "we can try this again"
he sits stunned for a second then he smiles and dimples concave into his cheek. He stands and embraces me in a warm tight hug, electricity shoots through me at his touch.
We stand there in each other's embrace until Clinton pulls away and stares at me, did you hear that?' He smiles down at me, his dimples so prominent. I listen and hear nothing, "did you hear it then?"
I look at him and smile, "mermaids"

Hey guys sorry I decided I didn't want to write a fan Fic so the characters have changed
New names
Harry- Clinton
Clinton- Lawson

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