Chapter 6

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(Bridgette- 12 years old. Clinton- 13)
I've been kicking the same rock all the way from school to home. I have no one to walk home with since Clinton got a girlfriend, Jenna. She's pretty and.....well that's it. I knew that Clinton and I weren't gonna last much longer with him off in high school and me in year six. He's really popular now too, and everyone thinks he's hot. Ever since the parties and homework numbers increased he stopped going to Ataraxia, I still go on my own though. So now all he is is my neighbour, the one that happens to unfortunately have a bedroom opposite mine meaning we can see into each other's room meaning I get to see him bringing all these girls home and kissing them. But it's a two way window, he gets to see me sitting alone doing nothing, that is when I am home, I'm in Ataraxia most of my time.
But life goes on
I walk into my room and drop my backpack on the floor and head back outside. I walk to the road and have to wait for a car to pass before crossing. I dont think I need to tell you whose car that is. As they pass I see a quick glance of Clinton with Jenna but mostly because he always has it on his lap is that stupid red backpack. No it's not stupid it's a sentimental thing. His dad is in the military force and that was his backpack, it was the only thing left from him when their house burnt down in Darwin. That's why they moved to Lloyd Creek. Little does anyone know but me that Clinton had started the fire because he didn't want to stay there any longer because everywhere he went, everything related to his father. Me being the caring friend I was never told his mum, not when he threw gum in my hair to impress his new seventh grade friends, not when he laughed at me when I was getting changed and forgot to close the curtains that allowed him to see through my bedroom. Not even when he water bombed me and made my white top see through when I was with a potential boyfriend who then turned into a bully. Let's just say that Clinton, he's a dick. Just like every other guy in this bloody universe.

But life goes on

I cross the road and head towards Ataraxia. I'm hoping to hide there until tomorrow because tonight is my year six dance and then mums having the Harveys' over for dinner and probably Jenna. I cross the river balancing on the wooden plank that I placed a few weeks back because the flying fox had dropped me one too many times. I broke my ankle and Clinton refused to change the flying fox because it was his 'greatest masterpiece' but since he stopped coming I figured I could do this.
I lay in the tree house that Clinton and I built two years after we found Ataraxia, we had so many sleepovers here. Seems like a lifetime ago. I lay in the tree house like I do everyday until I hear the familiar voice I love, "Bridgette! Woohoo!"
I jump out of the treehouse and greet my good old friend Mr Moonface. I know I sound like a complete lunatic who really needs to get help but that's the magic of Ataraxia, you can be a kid. I may be twelve but when I'm here I'm eight again. But I don't care, mr Moonface from the enchanted tree is who I imagine up each day because he's the only person I can rant to about Clinton that won't just complain that he's hot and that I'm just jealous because I'm friend zoned. Mr Moonface understands that I actually hate him.
After about an hour, rain begins to fall and i hurriedly run back home.
"Perfect timing Bridgette lets get you ready" mum says grabbing my dress and throwing it at me. My dress is high low, the top being a dark blue and ending in white. My shoes are white heels that have white straps over my toes and around my ankles. My hair is crimped and my makeup is done by my mum. I walk out to the car and ,as if on cure, a whistle echoes through the air. A mocking catcall. I turn to see Jenna and Clinton sitting against their gate on the footpath, "looking hot Bridge" Clinton calls. I turn to him and flip him the bird, "oh!" Jenna laughs, "twelvie gone wild" I decided walk up to them and kneel down, "hey Jenna," I say with a kind smile, "shut up!" I flip her the bird and then pretend to really focus on something on her face, "is that a huge pimple making your eyebrows out of line or is that just how you like to make them?" I stand and walk away but of course they must get the last word, "hey bridge" I turn and Clinton has the hose pointed at me. Suddenly a burst of hot water rains over me and burns my skin, "fuck!" I scream as the pain tears through me. "Shit Jenna I told you to put it on cold!" Clinton screams as he runs up to me. "Oh shut up Bridgette its only Luke warm." Mum runs out and pulls me inside running me a cold bath. My skin burns and eventually tingles from the numbness of pain. My skin is red and flakes. The pain, although bad, is nothing compared to my hatred for Clinton Harvey.

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