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Eddie Kaspbrak walked around on the big green garden for his last time, his still seventeen years old body breathing in the fresh air as his fingers touched the beautiful flowers. It was something he would never do if someone were watching, but he'd always think it in his head. Adore how beautiful the nature is.

"Hey, lil bro, what ya doin'?" Victor walked up to him and Eddie looked up at him quickly, crossing his arms over his black leather jacket, rolling his eyes. Victor grinned as he placed an arm around Eddie's back.

"Just taking a cigg, saying goodbye to this shithole." He spits and pushed Victor away from him, instead pulling up his package of cigarettes and lighter, placing a cancer stick between his pink lips, lighting it easily. If his mother would be here, she would probably given him curfuw for forever. Someking weren't good, especially not for his "asthma". He took a smoke, inhaling the strong and addicting flavour.

"So, you exited? Henry has been talking about you every fucking day, seriously. Patrick as well, could you imagine? It's freaking me out." Victor scoffed and they started walk back to the orphanage, victors father watching him as he stood talking to one of the owners.

Yeah, could Eddie imagine? That none other than Henry Bowers, Victor Criss and Patrick Hockstetter would come and visit him almost every day, to this final day. When Victor, or rather his father and him, actually adopted him. Could it even be better? He'd come home, to his home town, his school (not like he really cared about it anymore, yet still he liked the feeling thinking about it).

"Yeah, sure." Eddie said, threw the stub of the cigarette on the ground and rubbed his dirty sneaker against it, spitting before he felt Victors hand on his back again, "Come on, lil bro. Let's go home, yeah?" Victor mumbled, smiling soft and Eddie sighed before he nodded. They walked up to Victors father who immiditly stopped talking to Mrs. Smith, the owner of the orphanage, facing the two boys with a smile.

"You ready, Eddie?" He said, Eddie nodding with a soft smile.

Although the boys had taught him a rough lesson through the years, how to go and act like a real boy, Eddie's smile could never be beautifuler than it always had been.

And when he sat down in the car, ready to go to his new home, with Victor sitting in the front seat looking back on him through the mirror, his teeth digging in his bottom lip, Eddie had forgot all about the old friends he once had. Henry, Patrick and Victor was his real friends now.


"Halloween party. My house. Friday. Everyone will be there and I take for granted that you're coming too." Henry threw his body down on the mattress in victors room, where Eddie were laying with a cigarette placed between his lips and a beer in his left hand - just like the other boys in the room.

"You take for granted?" Eddie laughed, took a sip and looked up at Henry, raising an eyebrow. Henry grinned, " That I'll come to a Halloween party, in costume?" Eddie continued, looking down on his body, examining his dirty and ragged clothes. It was a hole in his t-shirt, just above his collar bone, one on his knee as well. But he had started to get used to it, and by now he hanmdnt a single sweater or jeans that weren't wearing big holes here and there. The boys kept saying it made him look cool and hot, but Eddie missed his old clothes a little. Nothing he wanted to admit.

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