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The entire house was quiet when Eddie came home just a few hours later. He taking off his shoes was the only sound that filled his ears for a couple of minutes, until a pair of heavy footsteps appears right away, walking tight towards him. Eddie sighed.

"Where have you been?"

Mr. Criss was standing right in front of him, wearing a dirty shirt and held in an open beer in his left hand.

"Answer me."

His voice were strict and hard, raspy and probably more annoyed than usual. He had just lived there in about a week now, yet still he knew to 100% how his adoptive father worked.

"Answer me!"

"S-sorry, sir." Eddie looked down on his feets, feeling how his eyes slowly started to tear up of fear. Mr. Criss looked down on him, raising up the bottle of beer in his left hand and poured some between his lips, the liquid mixed with the rest of it that was already inside his body.

"I don't care. You were supposed to stay at Henry's, and yet still you runaway like a little kid." His adoptive father spat. Eddie sighed.

"One week. Curfew. Faggot." He spotted on Eddie's shirt, turned around and walked back to the livingroom where he sat down on the couch, grabbing another beer that was standing on the table and opened it with a sound.

Eddie glared at him when he passed by, walked inside Victors room, which lucky was empty. He grew himself on the mattress, digging his face into the pillow.

And all he could wish in that moment was that he'd done what Richie had offered him - stayed another night.


Richie felt relieved when he came to school the next day; Monday. Hopefully he'd meet Stanley, which he looked forward to - or so he thought at least. He had missed his boyfriends hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Although he had got all busy with Eddie the day before. In a bad way. An horrible way.

"Richie Bichie, wait up!"

Beverly March walked up to him, her dress flapping against her smooth legs. Although Richie knew he was gay couldn't he help to find his best girl-friend extremely beautiful. The red wavy hair, the freckles on her cheeks and nose and those blue eyes that reminded him of the March - Birthstone.

"Hey Bev. Doing good today?" Richie said, tossed his backpack over his shoulder as Beverly panted next to him. She nodded, taking a last breath before speaking.

"Yeah, somehow. Ben and I had a fight though. But it's over now and all's good." She said and Richie couldn't help but frown a little. How was it so easy for them? They could come into a fight and then fall in love with each other all over again already the next day. It's never work like that for Richie and Stanley.

"You guys really love each other. Too bad for me Stan left yesterday and probably won't come back in a few days." Richie sighed.

"What! He just left?"

"Yeah... dunno why though." Richie sighed again. He really did miss Stanley.

"Are you sure about that, Rich? He called me yesterday and told me that Eddie slept at your place.. did something happen between you guys?" Beverly mumbled as she bite her thin bottom lip that was covered with a layer of shiny cherry lipstick. Richie gulped, looked around in the corridor. The first lesson was math today - one of the few subject he actually shared with his boyfriend.

"No.. no. Nothing happened." He kept looking around, avoiding Beverlys unsure eyes. His entire body froze when another feminist group entered the corridor. Everyone's - even Beverly's - eyes turned toward the boys. They were all covered with black clothes like ripped jeans and leather jackets. The only thing that had changed was that the group, which usually had three member's, do now have four.

"I heard that Patrick and Henry got together at the party." Beverly turned around to face Richie. He looked down at her with confused eyes.

"Patrick and Henry? Don't think so. The mullet was drooling all over Ed's the entire night. That why he ended up sleeping at my place." Richie explained, sighed as he leaned down and started to roll up the bottom of his jeans, exposing the pale skin on his ankles. Beverly shrugs.

"Whatever you say, trash mouth."


Richie got a few surprises through the day. His mother texted him and told him that she wanted him to visit them soon, Beverlys father had agreed to fix her an apartment and many more. Eddie Kaspbrak being in his P.E class was also one of those surprises. He hadn't expected them to have any classes together, and although that did he end up sitting on a bench in the locker room. Glancing on the boy back and forth as he changed. Stanley were also supposed to be in this class, and he hadn't showed up the entire day. Which scared Richie a little. What if something had happened to him?

And just like it was meant to be - Eddie and Richie was the last one in the locker room. The other guys had already got all dressed and was fully ready for one and an half hour of sweat and pain.

"Are you going to say something?"

Eddies voice made Richie shiver. It was so deep, yet so high pitched. Like a girl in men's puberty. Although that, he sighed and shook his head. Not even glancing back on the boy who was standing right behind him by now.

"We had fucking sex yesterday and now you won't even talk to me?"

Richie sighed, closing his eyes. This was so wrong.

"I'm just worried about Stan, alright, Eddie? What we did wasn't suppose to happen." He turned around and faced the shorter boy, running a hand over his face frustrating. "I'm supposed to just let you be. I'm supposed to love my boyfriend, and not my ex-boyfriend." He took a pause, sighing. "And now I don't even know where he is because of you."

"Because of me!? Not my fault that you have problem with your friend."

"My what?" Richie frowns, looking down at Eddie with anger in his eyes.

"Your friend. It's kinda obvious that you guys don't love each other. For example, you fucked your ex the same day your boyfriend left. That says a lo-"

"Just shut up, Eddie. You know nothing about love, just accept it." Richie sighed, ran a sloppy hand through his black curls as he turned around and walked out from the room - leaving the shorter boy behind him. And this time he actually wished that he'd not see him again.


This story is literally like a roller coaster. Hope you like it, though. 🥰

7th December 2019

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