Chapter One

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Chapter One: The diseased horse and the bullet

The pills weren't working.

They never fucking worked. Each capsule, each tablet, ever drop of fucking tonic. Nothing worked, they were all placebos. They had to be or else Quinn was too far gone. She was beyond recovery and she would have to get a bullet to the head like a diseased horse. But the question loomed over Quinn's shoulders. WHY DIDN'T any of the pills fucking work? Quinn paid good money for that shit!

"Damn!" She exploded, throwing the bottle of pills against the wall. The pills spilt out and onto her rug. The blue pills mocked her as they glistened. As if they really worked. Quinn wanted to crush them badly but she swallowed hard and turned away. They didn't work but she couldn't get rid or destroy them. Dr. Hills will be furious with her. She had to take the pills to get better, that was what was instructed. With each session she was supposed to get better and with every pill she took; calmer, better, and somewhat close to normal. But there she was, with her back towards the pills, the blue capsules all over the floor.

Quinn rubbed her face and sat down her bed. She had a lot of things to do. Her list stretched from her room in San Antonio to New York. Worst part is that she didn't know where to start. Her president role in Student council had a gun to her head, and her role in her father's organization, the Griffin Institute of Research, had a knife to her neck. If one didn't kill her, the other one surely would. Each position was one up each other with daunting tasks.

Quinn laid back exhausted and stared at the ceiling. The chandelier in her room glimmered and sparkled. The painting of clouds behind it took her filled mind far, far away from her enclosing responsibilities.

Looking at them always remind her of Peter Pan and his wild adventure. She always wondered if she would be able to go on a wild adventure on day. One where she'll leave all her work behind. One where she won't feel the need to hurry home or ever come ba—

"Quinn!" A voice shouted from behind her door. The jarring voice pulled her out of the sky and back onto her queen sized bed. She sighed, dragging herself out of bed and shuffled. She wore decent clothes underneath but the house was cold in October. Only to get colder as days go by.

"Yeah, dad." She called back. Quinn flipped her braids to the other side of her head and opened the door.

"Remember Mr. Solomon, is coming to day for dinner." He calls out from somewhere in the house. "You don't have to eat with us, just make sure you say hi."

"Okay, but I'm leaving soon. I don't think I'll be able to greet him." Quinn responded.

"That's fine, come back before curfew though." Quinn's dad yelled back.

She agreed and prepared to leave. Student Council was having a last minute meeting at Sweettea sweetheart for Homecoming. It was next month and they were running way behind schedule.

She closed her door and went to her closet looking for clothes. She pulled on a simple t-shirt and jeans then from her coat racket a sweatshirt. She slipped on her app watch and grabbed her wallet then headed for the door.
She glanced at the pills on the floor once more before she left.

She really should've picked them up but she just stared. They continued to gleam on the floor like there was nothing wrong with them. A heat grew in her heart.

"Fucking pills." She spat then left her room with a loud door slam.

Sweettea Sweetheart was a boba shop nestled between the mall and movie theater. It was a cute baby boy blue color with lavender chairs and tables outside. It walls were mostly glass and kids with MacBooks sat in front of them on lavender stools. Beanbags and tables filled the rest of the space along with chilling teens and stressed college students. Student council sat in the back at the largest table.

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