Corrupted Part 2

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Like I promised, here's the new chapter.
Plus, I recommend to listen to song Lies by CHVRCHES while reading this chapter. :)

(And don't be shy to write a comment!)😜


Back on Earth

Steven was helping Bismuth with repearing the last house. After half a year everything was almost back to normal. There were some places that were still critically damaged from the injector, but Beach City was now almost rebuild and better than ever.

"OK Bismut, careful with that, it's fragile!,, Steven told Bismuth while thy were moving a giant mirror into the house. "Why didn't you ask Peri to move it? It's partly made of metal.,, she replied "She's too bussy with removing the last parts of the injector from the ground. Careful, there's a step.,,

After they got it into the house, Steven went to the last places that were damaged by the poison and Bismuth went to help Peridot. Rest of the Crystal gems were on a mission to Homeworld to rescue some lost gems. What could go possibly wrong?

"Hello, is anybody here? We received your message three days ago.,, Pearl sayd. She, Lapis, Garnet and Amethys were walking through an old massive kindergarten. They caught a voice message with call for help and tracked the signal here.

" Maybe they got poofed or something,, Lapis sayd. "I don't think that it would take them so long to reform. Something is clearly wrong.,, Garnet responded. But after she sayd it, a screm approached from one of the holes. When they got to the sorce of the scream, it was a unexpected type of gem. It was a lapis lazuli.

"P-please, help me. I was here with My ruby guard , but they shattered her.,, she sayd with a disordered voice. She looked really broken and scared. She was just sitting there. "We will help you but who are they?,, Pearl asked her." You don't know? The diamonds went rough. They shattered all the gems that had their own opinion on Steven. I managed to escape, but My ruby paid the price.,, she told. "That doesn't seem like The diamonds. Or does it? The did shatter gems after all.,, Amethyst spoke. "I know, Amethyst. Well, at least, let me help you stand up.,, Pearl sayd towards the lapis and reached to her. But the lapis cringed and flickered away. The lapis was just a hologram. They stepped right into Jasper's trap. There was no way out of there.

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