Corrupted Part 5

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"You did what!?,, Pearl yelled at Steven " I didn't want to! I just snapped!,, "We never kill gems. Why did you do such a horrible thing!?,, Garnet sayd angrely. "I really didn't wanted to kill them!! Why don't you just leave me ĄŁØNĘ!! A huge shockwave hit everyone in the room and poofed them. Steven was again out of control. The results of White's blast started to show. Spikes started to sprout from his back and dark pink spots covered his arms. Little horns were peaking through his hair. His eyes were glowing again, but with more radiant pink. He stepped to White's gem and looked at her. Then he grabed her and digged his nails into it. It immediatly stared to crack and develop violet spots. He almost shattered her, but he dropped her and fell on his knees. His human half was taking control again.

 Steven woke up from his madness. "What have I done?,, and he ran outside his house. He was running for almost half a hour. The sun was setting down and Steven stopped. He sat into the sand. "What have I done to deserve this? No one can save me now.,,He looked at his arms. He was certain what it was. Corruption. He started to crumble into his own darknes. He hurt people that cared about him. He let the corruption spread. This is the punishment he thought he deserved.

Connie came to Steven's house. Pearl phoned her that Steven's awake and he wants to see her. She was happy to hear that. She opened the door and saw the gems laying on the ground. Steven was nowhere to be found. She grabed Pearl's gem from the ground. "Pearl, please wake up. I need you to wake up.,, She cryed. Pearl started reforming in her hands. "Where is Steven? Have you seen him Connie?,, She asked.  "N-No, I came here a while ago and he wasn't here. We should look for him.,, She answered, while driing her eyes. "Yes, try to wake the rest. We need to find him as quick as possible.,,

"Steven! Where are you!?,, Amethyst called. "Amethyst, Garnet! I found him!,, Pearl yelled. Rest of the group immediatly rushed in her direction. She was kneeling next to a creture with six limbs, horns and sharp fangs. Pearl was crying. "H-He's corr-,, But she couldn't finish it. Child of her former Diamond was now hurt. She swore her life to protect him and she failed.

Today, I'm really out of ideas. But I'm glad that I finally started writing about the main thing. Well, I'll be back with new chapter in few days.(Sorry if there's some grammar mistakes. English isn't my native language.)


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