Corrupted Part 7

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My dear readers,

I'd like to thank you all for reading and voting for this fanfic. I never thought that it would get so much attention. This is the last chapter. But don't worry, there will be a short epilogue.


You can choose whatever song you like. I listend to the song What went down by Foals when I was writing this.

And happy new year!

Now let's begin.

Lapis shook her head incredulously. "How can she be dying?,, and she standed up. "It's those spots, they're not corrupting her, but killing and stopping her from reforming.,, Pearl answered her. "So what now? Are we just gonna sit here, let White die and lose Steven?! There must be another way!,, Connie cryed out. "I might have an idea. What if we give her powers to someone else? Like Jasper did.,, Lapis suggested. "But what if we lose that someone? No one can hold power of the diamonds. They're too strong.,, Connie refuled her idea. "And only one who has equal power to them is... Steven.,, she added sadly. "But Steven is the one who's corrupted and we can't give those powers to him.,, Lapis argued.

Their argument continued for a while. But Pearl was still think and not saying anything. Mabey she was onto something.

"Pearl why aren't you saying anything?,, Connie asked her after a while. Finally she answered.
"I know what to do. Take all batteries that are in here.,, and she started opening all cabinets.

" What are we gonna do with it?,, Lapis asked. "You'll see.,, Pearl calmly answered.

Meanwhile, Garnet was watching over Steven. He was again unconscious. But for the moment that he was conscious, you could tell that he wasn't the same. Like everything that made him Steven, was gone.
Garnet put herself together, dilated from Amethyst which was still poofed, and believed that Pearl knew what she was doing. Pearl always knew more about this then anyone else. She was Steven's only hope.

Garnet waited for another hour and finally saw Pearl, Connie and Lapis bringing some boxes.
"Finally you're back. I thought that something went wrong.,, Garnet greeted them." Actually, everything went wrong, but don't worry, I have everything under control.,, Pearl answered her and started opening the boxes. "Garnet, can you straigt this piece of metal? Thank you.,,

Pearl was constructing some kind of weird looking machine. It looked like it was a grinder, but with some really radical changes.
Then she took Whites gem and put it in it."What are you gonna do to her?,, Lapis was worried." For this moment I am really sorry for what I have to do. But even if I leave her, she would still die.,, and she switched on the machine. It started making weir noises and draining the batteries. The thing on top of it started filling with a rainbow liquid. Then it stopped.

"Don't touch it yet. It's dangerous when it's raw.,, Pearl warned." How do you know that?,, After few more seconds she lifted the product. It changed it's color a bit. Pearl then looked at Steven. "Now or never.,, she whispered to herself and poured the liquid on Steven. He started to growl and then it turned to screaming. No one could watch him suffer. Then everything went quiet. Garnet looked at him. She stared to cry. But she wasn't sad. She was really happy. Everyone else looked at him too. His clothes were little tore up, but he was uncorrupted. Everything went like it should have.

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