Corrupted Part 4

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It was deep night. Amethyst was first one to wake up.

"W-wha... wait were back on Earth?,, she looked next to her and saw Garnet and Pearl. Then she looked behind her and saw White Diamond. " Hey, guys, wake up.,, she shaked with Pearl. "Uh- Amethyst stop, I'm awake. Where's everybody else?,, As she tried to sit. "Next to you. Plus, some more shocking news, White diamond is here too!,, and she pointed behind her. "But why? Last thing I remember is that we fell into some trap and then--nothing.,, she tried to get up,but after few step she fell right on Jasper's gem." Ouch! What- ,, and she picked up the gem. "It's Jasper! Put her into bubble, what if she's got something to do with this? ,, Amethyst sayd." Right,, She done what Amethyst sayd. "But what now?,, Pearl asked her. "Isn't it obvious? We should wake the others.,,

" What's wrong with Steven and White? Why can't they wake up?,,Amethyst sayd. She looked really worried. "Don't know, but we should get Steven to bed.,, Garnet sayd. "Peridot and Lace to some more safer place too.,,She added. "But what are we gonna do with White? She looks that she has been done something to. Those lines on her gem. It doesn't seem like something done accidentaly.,, Pearl sayd while examinating White's gem. "I think I know what are those lines.,,

"Wait, Garnet, are you serious? Those lines are the remains of Yellow and Blue?,, Pearl uncomprehendingly. "What else would it be? I remember the gem shard experiments. This looks really similar.,, Garnet sayd. "So now we have like six dead gems. That's great.,, Pearl sayd sarcastically and sat down. It was too much for her. When she finally thought things wouldn't be do much complicated, it became worse.


Peridot started reforming few days after she was poofed. Steven and White were still unconscious and Pearl was keeping an eye on them. "Peri! Finally, you're awake. I was starting to worry about you.,, Pearl sayd with rejoyce in her voice. Peri opened her eyes and looked at Pearl with deadly look. " Who are you!? Don't touch me you clod or you will taste my rage!,, and she started hitting Pearl with her hands."Stop it! What's gotten into you? It's like you don't.... Remember.,, Then it hit Pearl. Not just Peri, but the idea that Period and Lace must have been poofed by a rejuvenator. Like things couldn't get any more complicated.

" Oh just stop it Peridot! It's getting annoying that you are still trying to hurt me. You could be more useful with taking care of  White.,, Pearl sayd harshly.  "Why would I listen to a servant? Who do you serve?,, "No one. And I will certanly not serve you if you wanted take that chance. Now get to work. ,, Pearl answered with cold blood. Peri immediately went quiet and started running diagnostics about White's and Steven's conditions, without any more questions.

Steven started to wake up.He felt horrible. Mentaly and physicly. "Ugh.,, He tried to sit, but a unpleasant pain stroke through him.  "Mabey this is not the best idea.,, And he remained lying .Before he could move any more, Garnet and Pearl rushed to his bed. "Steven!,,both shouoted at the same time. "We though you wouldn't wake up for another few days! How do you feel?,, Garnet immediately asked. "Not the greatest, but I think in few days I'll be okay.,," I'm do glad that you woke up. We-- have to show you something.

"Yes, I saw her like this when Jasper arrived. You all were under Jasper's control. It was one of the most horrible things I've ever experienced. See you guys like that, it wasn't exactly nice.,, Steven explained to the gems. Pearl sat down next to him and asked him. "I have to ask you something. Was someone else with Jasper?.,, "Actually, yes. Two lapis lazulies and some fusion called Bluebird, I think.,, Steven answered." Do you know where are they?,, Amethyst sayd. It was a pause for almost a minute. The Steven finally answered. "I-I killed them.,,

Another long chapter (Yay). I will try to write another one before SU future, but I'm not sure it will be as long as this one.

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