Imagine #19

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     Imagine: Being a freshman in high school and dancing with your boyfriend at a dance one last time before your brother has to deliver bad news


     I stood by my friends, laughing and joking around and taking drinks of punch. But we were interrupted when Y/Bf/N came and asked me a very unexpected question.

     "Hey, Y/N," He said. "Wanna dance? I requested one of your favorites."

     My jaw dropped and it transformed to a smile very quickly. My cheeks flushed, and I felt the heat. My friends giggled quietly as I set my drink down.

     "Of course," I said, grabbing his hand as he led me out to the middle of the gym floor.

     Y/F/S came on, and we started slow dancing to it. Other couples were dancing, but they cleared out of the way when they saw us. His head was dropped down so his forehead laid against mine. I closed my eyes, taking in the moment. This is what I've wanted my entire young life. But Dad doesn't want me to have a normal life, he wants me to be a hunter like Sam and Dean are. Every day I fear Dad's gonna come and drag me away from this town, even though he promised to let me stay. But he's not known for being a man of his word.

     "You're so gorgeous," Y/Bf/N whispered as we danced. "I'm glad you're here with me."

     "Me too," I said, grinning.

     The song ended, and everyone around us clapped. I realized they had formed a circle to watch us dance, and I felt like a celebrity. Y/Bf/N and I held hands, walking over to the snack bar before I saw in my peripheral vision my big brother, Dean. Just watching and waiting for me.

     "Um," I said, stopping Y/bf/N. "I'll be right back, ok?"

     "Yeah," He said, looking over at Dean when realizing that's who I was looking at.

     I walked over to Dean, heart already pounding. This wasn't gonna be good.

     "Dean," I said, embarrassed about him seeing me in a dress. "What are you doing here?"

     "Y/N, listen," He said after a pause. "Dad's got a new case, and he wants all hands on deck. He sent me to come get you. I tried to tell him to let you stay for a few more weeks, but he wouldn't listen. I'm so sorry, kiddo."

     I stared at him blankly, letting the tears build up. I gulped, turning back around to Y/bf/N, looking at him. I sniffled, looking back up at my brother.

     "You need a minute?" He asked. "To, uh, say 'goodbye?'"

     "No," I shook my head, taking a deep breath to control the sobs clogging my throat. "Let's just go. We have to go to the motel so I can pack."

     "Y/N," Dean said, but he couldn't stop me from rushing by him with tears now streaming down my face.

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