Imagine #62

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Imagine: Driving you and Dean back to the bunker while you guys are hurt because of a hunt gone wrong


I drove the Impala quietly, listening to Dean's grunting as he took care of his bleeding leg. We were both covered in blood, we were lucky to even make it out alive. My face was bruised and covered in cuts, dried blood covering my appearance, almost making me unrecognizable. Dean finished his stitches and looked over at me. I didn't look at him, so I just saw his face in the corner of my eye.

"Y/N-" Dean tried.

"Don't," I shook my head, feeling blood flaking up as I spoke. "Just don't."

"..So, what, we're just not gonna talk about this?" Dean asked.

"If you had just left everything alone and stayed out of it, none of this would've happened," I said, glancing at him then looking back at the road.

"They were gonna kill you," Dean pointed out.

"Yeah, well, you should've let 'em," I mumbled.

"Are you crazy?" Dean asked me, irritated.

"They were my family, Dean," I snapped. "I betrayed them, I deserved it. But you just can't let me go, and that's your problem."

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. I sighed.

"Look, I am sorry that I am not how you want me to be," I said. "But I just can't be human. I was born a vamp, and that is not my fault."

"It's not about that," Dean mumbled.

"Then what?" I questioned.

"It's the fact that you don't care what happens to you," he said, finally looking at me. "Y/N, you may not be human, but you're definitely not a monster either. If they had killed you, you wouldn't have deserved it. Look, I don't care that you're a monster, ok? So why do you?"

I glanced at him then back at the road once again. I didn't say anything.

"Seriously, I'm asking you," he said.

"Dean, I-" I tried.

I couldn't finish my sentence before gunshots went off and the rear window of the car shattered into pieces. I jumped and looked in the mirror to see a speeding car coming up behind us, with my brother in the driver's seat shooting at us.

"Son of a..." my voice trailed off.

I swerved in the road as more gunshots went off.

"Oh, come on!" Dean said.

"Damn it," I whispered.

I waved my hand out the window and the shooting stopped. I pulled over on the side of the road. I hesitated before reaching in the backseat for dead man's blood in a syringe.

"The Hell are you doing?" Dean asked.

"Stay in the car," I ordered, opening my door and sliding out.

"Y/N, wait, come on," he said. "I'm going too."

"Damn it, Dean, if you don't stay in the car, I swear to God," I growled, and his face loosened up like I had frightened him.

I looked at him one more time before looking over and heading for my brother. I hid the syringe the best I could as we walked toward each other.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "Old man couldn't come after me himself?"

"He told me to give you a message," Y/B/N said. "Father says if you don't come home and do as you were told..then he wants to see your head on a stick."

"Well, I guess Father's out of luck," I said, stepping toward him and clutching the blood in my hand. "Only one of us is leaving here alive."

"Yeah?" Y/B/N said. "And which one would that be?"

"Only one way to find out," I said.

He swang a punch but I caught it, sticking the syringe in his neck and pushing the blood in quickly. His fangs popped out and he hissed in pain. He kicked me away and I slid on the concrete. I stood up, looking at his new, scarier appearance. His sharp fangs were showing and his eyes lit with fury. He glared at me.

"You must not remember correctly, Y/B/N," I said. "I'm the one that taught you what you know."

He growled before coming after me and I showed my fangs too, hissing at him. We attacked each other, and of course we liked to play rough. Except we weren't playing. He punched me hard enough to bust my cheek open, so I caught his next fist and punched him right back. He did his best to fight back as I hit him and elbowed him in the gut, grabbing his arm and swinging him with all my strength. I yelled out loud before throwing him into the windshield of his car, and it shattered underneath him. He rolled off onto the ground.

I approached Y/B/N with confidence, ready for round two. I lifted him to his feet by his throat but he took me by surprise by picking his hand up and slicing his nails across my face. He had brought out his sharpened nails. I lifted my knuckled to the scratches and looked at it, seeing more blood. I looked at him.

"I didn't know we were playing dirty," I said.

"You should've thought about that before sticking the needle in my neck," he said.

He shrugged. We went at it again, but he was starting to be affected by the dead man's blood. I punched him a couple times in the face, and he finally fell on the ground, passing out. I exhaled sharply, breathing heavily.

After taking care of the mess with my brother, I finally got back in the Impala. I sighed, closing my eyes for a second as I realized what I had done. It all hit me at once.

"Y/N," Dean tried.

"Don't say anything," I said quietly, opening my eyes to see tears building up. "Please."

"You didn't have to kill him," Dean told me.

"Yes I did, and you know it," I said, looking at him as I held back tears. "You ever say anything to me about Y/B/N again, and I'll break your face, you understand?"

He just looked at me. I looked at the road as I started the car, but my vision was blurry.

"I'm not even close to kidding," I warned him, driving off.

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