Imagine #63

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Imagine: Fighting new monsters on a case with Jack, but you end up getting hurt.


I swang another punch at the monster's face, still losing the fight. We didn't even know what these things were, but we walked in blind. They were big and tall, and had sharper teeth and nails than a werewolf and vampire combined. They changed forms, from human to monster like in the movies. And so far, nothing we tried has killed them besides decapitation.

I decapitated the one in front of me and looked over to check on Jack. One had tackled him to the floor.

"Jack!" I yelled as he grunted.

I shot at it with silver bullets to slow it down. I went to attack it with my machete, but one of the monsters came over and grabbed my arm, using my own hand to launch the machete into my stomach. I yelled in pain, gasping as I felt the jolt in my whole body. I felt myself falling into shock as my world turned to slow motion.

"Y/N?" Jack asked.

I didn't answer. My breathing slowed and my eyes filled with tears, but I couldn't feel anything. The monster twisted the machete in my skin, and I heard tearing flesh. It made me groan. It shoved me into the wall as its family surrounded me, ready to dig into their meal. Jack stood up.

"J-Jack.." I whispered, shakily breathing.

"No!" Jack yelled as I heard the monsters growling. "Stop it!"

Jack's eyes lit up, and he held his hands up. He used his powers to send the monsters flying, even after I told him not to use his powers at all. But next thing I know, all of the monsters are dead. I fell on the floor, machete still stuck inside me. My body trembled as Jack came to my side.

"Y/N," Jack said, touching the area around the wound as he lifted my head. "W-What do I do?"

"D-Don't touch it," I said, groaning at the newcoming pain as I held the blade in my skin.

"Hold still," Jack said, looking down at me as sweat dripped from my forehead and I whined in pain. "Let me take it out. I can help you."

"You can't risk..using your powers again," I told him. "It went all the way through. If you pull it out, I'll bleed out."

"But, I-" Jack tried again.

"Trust me," I said.

He just looked at me, and I panted.

"I'm gonna get you help," he said.

He scooped me up in his arms, making me shout in pain again. Next thing I know, we're in a hospital. I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Come quick!" Jack yelled at the doctors in the ER. "Help her!"

"Jack," I whispered.

I closed my eyes and the noise was replaced with ringing in my ears. I was on my side as my eyes were still heavy, but I opened them. I was on a gurney, rolling down the hall with nurses and doctors, but Jack disappeared. I closed my eyes after taking another breath and letting my body relax.

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