Imagine #82

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     Imagine: Being an angel and an alliance to the Winchesters, and you're waiting anxiously in their motel room to tell them the big news. (SEASON 15 SPOILERS)


     I paced back and forth in Sam and Dean's room, one hand in my coat pocket and the other reaching up, scratching my eyebrow. I sighed, and finally the door opened. I looked over, dropping my arm. Both the boys looked at me, surprised. Sam shut the door.

     "Sam, Dean," I said, relieved.

     "Y/N," Sam said, and Dean tossed his car keys on the table. "What are you doing here?"

     "Where the hell have you been?" Dean added, irritated.

     "Heaven," I told them, sighing. "The other angels and I, we've been busy. I haven't been on Earth much. Listen, something monumental is happening in the universe. God, he's -- "

     "Back," Dean finished for me, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "We know. Chuck's been running around the universe, killing all the other worlds."

     He walked past me, tossing his bag down on his bed. I turned, glancing at both the brothers.

     "I -- Chuck?" I asked.

     I looked at Sam, and he shrugged.

     "I'm not following," I said.

     "Look, we know about God," Sam told me, being less sarcastic than Dean. "We're the messengers of his destruction."

     "What?" I said, looking at them both.

     "Yep," Dean replied, pouring himself a drink. "Worlds are dying, Chuck is losing his marbles, and he's gunning for us next. We have to stop him."

     "...And you knew this the whole time?" I questioned.

     "Well, I tried to call you," Dean said. "Guess there's bad reception in Heaven, huh?"

     "There' reception in Heaven," I said, and Dean just looked at me. "Sarcasm. Right."

     "Y/N, is there anything you can tell us? Anything at all?" Sam asked. "We -- We could really use the help."

     "Maybe," I sighed, walking over and leaning against the sink. "Look, I don't know much, but I do know this -- God? He's -- well, as you humans would put it -- friggin' pissed. The angels that are left have given up. They think that there's nothing left to fight for. But I do. This world needs you right now. And if anybody can defeat's you two."

     They both looked at me, and I swallowed. I pushed off the counter, heading for the door.

     "I have to go," I said. "You have my number."

     "Y/N, hold on," Dean said, and I looked at him. "...Thanks. For believing in us."

     I nodded, smirking. I opened the door.

     "What can I say? I have faith," I said.

     I walked out the door.

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