Imagine #81

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     Imagine: Having an unexpected guest as you're trying to leave town (Imagine #80 pt. 2)


     I rushed over to my bed, pulling my bags over my shoulders after packing up. I took a breath, looking around. I grabbed my keys, walking over to the door. I went out into the hall, holding my doorknob. Before I closed it, I turned around toward the stairs, seeing Dean Winchester sitting there, back to me. I gasped.

     "Dean," I said, getting nervous.

     "Hey, Y/N," he said, making a small echo in the stairway as he just sat there. "Long time."

     "Y-Yeah," I agreed, knowing that he knew.

     He got up, and his arms dropped to his sides, and that's when I saw the gun in his hand. I gulped, looking up at him as he turned around. He came up the couple steps to the landing.

     "Why don't we go inside, catch up?" he suggested.

     "Dean --" I tried as he stepped toward me.

     "Let me in the apartment, Y/N," he ordered. "Now."

I backed up to my door, turning and swallowing as I felt his presence right behind me. He smelled the same as he always did, his heart beat softly against his chest. I went inside the apartment, and he followed me in.

"Just let me explain," I tried, looking at him. "Please."

     "What's there to explain?" Dean asked me, holding his gun as he stood by the door. "It wasn't you, right? Because...last time I was here, you told me and Sam you would never, and had never, hurt anybody. So, the guy in the alley, that couldn't have been you. Right?"

     He was pissed. I saw it in his face. My eyes became glossy as I looked in his eyes, and he shook his head.

     "Damn it, Y/N," Dean whispered, dropping his forehead to his hand and walking over by my bed.

     "You don't understand," I shook my head, watching his every move. "That guy...His name was Darren. He and I, we had history -- bad history."

     "So you tore him to shreds?!" Dean snapped, stepping back over toward me angrily.

     "He was gonna hurt me!" I yelled back, hiding my fear the best I could. "He cornered me in that alleyway -- he had me by the throat, practically dragging me away by my scalp. I was scared, Dean! He didn't give me a choice!"

     He was silent. I gulped, glancing at his gun again.

     "I didn't want to," I said, calming down. "I hated every second of it. But he was a bad guy."

     "That's no excuse," he told me. "Y/N, you promised...Tell me that I don't have to do this. Tell me that I don't have to kill you right now."

     "You know me," I said. "I know that you do. We were just teens when we met, but what we had was real. That's the only reason you let me live in the first place."

     "Maybe that was a mistake," he said.

     "No," I shook my head. "...I had never even tasted human heart until last night. Darren was an accident, I swear. It'll never happen again. Dean, please."

     I took a deep breath, and he looked at me, hesitant and unsure.

     "Y/N, you better be telling me the truth," Dean said, "or so help me..."

     "I've never lied to you," I told him.

     He sighed, pulling his gun up. My breath caught in my throat, but he surrendered, pushing the hammer up and tossing it on my bed.

     "Where will you go?" he questioned me.

     "What?" I said.

     "After you leave here. Where are you gonna go?" he elaborated.

     I was shocked. I let out a sharp breath.

     "I -- I-I don't know," I said. "Somewhere far. Someplace I can start new."

     "Good," Dean nodded, seeming almost disappointed. "...You should go. Sam will be here any minute. He won't be so nice about this."

     I nodded, grabbing my stuff again. I grabbed my car keys, walking over to the door quickly.

     "Y/N," he said, and I looked at Dean one more time. "Don't let it happen again. I won't let you off easy next time."

     "...There won't be a next time," I said, opening the door. "Thank you."

     He licked his lips, looking away.

     "Go," he ordered.

     I walked out of my apartment, running down the staircase for the very last time.

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