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One Month Later.

It has been a month, a freaking month and my mind still wanders to and from Alec every second of the day.
  I missed him terribly and it was like the baby growing in my expanding stomach felt the same as well. 
   A letter came in the other day from him, and although some would think that would be enough to calm my nerves. It wasn't at all. It just caused me to want to be with him even more. I thought about leaving in the middle of the night and just running away to him, but unfortunately the house I now live in holds a mind reader who came to talk me out of the idea, as soon as the idea crossed my mind.   
Although I know he meant well, I couldn't help but feel annoyed, and even more frustrated.
    I guess you could blame it on my raging hormones at the moment. 

      "Hey love, how are you?" Bella ask as I made my way downstairs to the living room. I smiled at her. I haven't been able to see, nor speak to her these last few days. They were planning something, and wouldn't let me in on the little plan. I didn't mind though, I tend to like minding my own business at times. 

       "I'm doing good, very hungry, but good." I joked causing her to chuckle at my response.

       "Well you came down just in time. Esme just finished making your favorite. That peaked my interest real quick. I instantly smelt bacon ...oh yeah this was gonna be a real good morning. 
Walking into the kitchen I saw Esme lay down a plate of biscuits and gravy, with five strips of crispy looking bacon on the side. That wasn't all though, next thing I see is her laying down a smoothie, it looked to be banana and strawberry. 

      "Oh my goodness, I'm bout to eat like a Queen today." I joked sitting down, digging into the bacon first. 

     "Well, Edward informed us that he could hear your baby's thoughts last night." Esme tells me with a huge smile gracing her flawless features. 
   I looked up at her almost dropping the bacon I was about to put into my mouth. 

      "What?..." I questioned although I could clearly hear and understand what she just said. 

    "It's true, the baby's first thought I heard was "I'm hungry" So we decided to feed you something you liked, and something well…... fulfilling." Edward explains walking in with Bella, and the rest of the family. 

     "That is wild." Was all I could say as I dipped in the smoothie. Smiling at the fact that I was right about the flavor. Once I finished my breakfast, I made my way to my restrooms to shower and get ready for the day. 

 As I put on my maternity jeans, seeing as I could no longer fit my others. I decided to wear some flats since it was too hard to try and put on some other type of shoes. I did up my hair, put on some eyeshadow, and lipstick. Taking one more look in the mirror and feeling satisfied with myself. I made my way downstairs to be met with the entire family looking at me, with a letter in their hand. 

       "What's up?" I asked looking at all their mixed expressions. Some held excitement, and others held confused looks. 

     "Well, we know very well you are smarter than most Ilthyia. You can tell when things are going on, and lately we've been really busy and have noticed you have been getting real suspicious." Carlisle started stepping forward to take my hand, and guide me to a couch. Once I was settled Rosalie took over. 

      "And though some of us do not agree with the plan at hand. We are throwing you a gender reveal surprise party with the Volturi, in Volterra." Rose says sitting next to me and rubbing my stomach to calm herself. She would do that whenever the conversations about me leaving would come up. I let her seeing as I knew her desires to have kids, and plus it soothed me as well. 

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