A Night To Remember

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My life felt complete

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My life felt complete. A nightmare that could have ruined my whole life, turned into a dream come true. I had my mate, my child, my family, and I felt at peace. 
Even if Charlie believes I'm dead. Though it hurts me to think about the pain he must be going through, I still try to stay positive and hope the best for him. 

I sat watching the water with Sapphire in my lap, and Alec holding onto my side from the right of me. The way the ripples moved through the lake always seemed to fascinate me. It appeared I wasn't the only one, as each time there was the slightest movement in the water, Sapphire would be reaching out toward it and trying to go. I loved to see her happy, a smile was the best look on her. That's for sure. 

Scraps of food left over from her buffet layed messily around the deck we sat at. I have no idea why he brought all this food for a baby, but I just let her eat and enjoy. 
Sapphire's eyes started to close slightly as I wrapped her in her blanket, since it was getting pretty chilly out. Crossed my legs and let her get comfortable on my lap. 

     "I hope you don't mind that I refer to her as my daughter." Alec said out of nowhere, causing my red eyes to snap to his direction. Yes, my eyes are still red. I prefer to go ahead and get used to human blood since sooner or later I'll be moving in with Alec. 
A smile formed on my face, "Since when do you do that?" I ask leaning into him with a smirk on my face. 
     "Well, around the castle people ask about you. They refer to you as my ""baby mama llama mate"" At first it was annoying ,but I grew to like the name and the idea of being a...dad. When I first met Sapphire after the incident, I grew to love her as my own. Each month I would get an update on her, and a picture of her.
So I would show the pictures to everyone with pride saying, ""that's my daughter"" or ""Look at my baby girl."" " Alec explained with a look of pride, smiling down at Sapphire. 
I couldn't help but feel all mushy inside. I was glad that he still cared for her when I was "dead". At least I know that she'd be loved and taken care of if I wasn't here. 

     "I think we should get going. I don't want her to get sick." I quietly tell Alec, getting up trying not to wake the sleeping beauty. 

We made our way to where his rental vehicle sat, got in, and drove back to the Cullens house. When we got there, there was a red BMW parked in the drive next to Carlisle vehicle. 
My eyes widened as I remembered who that car belonged to. Alec noticed my tense form, and how I was reluctant to get out. He looked at me strange, slowly getting out to grab Sapphire.  
      "Are you okay?" He asked opening my door and allowing me to step out all the way, before shutting the door for me, and holding Sapphy out to me, so I could hold her. I shake my head and release an unnecessary breath. 
     "No I'm not, and please keep her. I don't want to hurt her." I tell him in a low growl walking over to the front door. 

Swinging it open, I rush to the living room and lock eyes with him.

Ilthyia Dwyer-Volturi (Twilight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now