A Kissing Memory

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Sapphire sat smiling away on my hip, as I listened closely to the story Carlisle was telling me

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Sapphire sat smiling away on my hip, as I listened closely to the story Carlisle was telling me. 
     "Okay. Slow down. What's a blood singer?" I asked with my finger tapping my chin. I knew what it was. Who didn't, but I just wanted to cause some trouble. You see, shortly after the Volturi got here. Each Cullen flooded the house with worried faces. It was pretty hilarious to be honest. The boy, Alec, he wouldn't stop staring at me. Not gonna lie, I liked the attention, but he kind of made me feel nervous. 
    "Do you understand now Ilithyia?" Carlisle sighs and runs his temple after three hours of trying to explain this to me. A smirk fraced my features as I got up and looked him in the eyes. 
     "Of course I do love, I already knew about this stuff goofy." I laughed as his eyes widened and mouth went agape. But when they say karma is a b****. Believe them, for as soon as I was about to walk off. Sapphire threw up all over my white sweater. 
       "Just great." I huffed out as Sapphire started giggling away. This seemed to even amuse the Volturi. 

3 hours later

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3 hours later.

A knock sounded at my door as I layed Sapphire down for the night. Walking slowly to try and annoy the vampire on the other side. 
    "Who is it?" I asked in a sing song voice laughing as I could hear the voice of none other than Alec. Of course I knew it was him beforehand. Due to his sweet scent. He smelt of books and cinnamon. It was very intoxicating and relaxing. I mean that was reasonable, since he is my mate. I just wished I could remember the relationship we shared before the whole accident. 
     "Nice to see you stranger." I jokingly say inviting him in while closing the door. 
Turning around I see him looking in the crib with a smile on his face. Walking up behind him, I also look in the crib to see her snuggling up to a stuffed animal. That's weird, I've never seen her with that toy. 
     "I got that for her. Three months ago when I came for my very last visit." He whispered quietly as he watched her sleep.
    "How sweet of you." I whisper back with a playful smile. He smirks at me, and winks before speeding to my bed.
 Sitting next to him, I started to think of a conversation. I couldn't exactly just jump in and be like "So tell me all about yourself." Because, what if he expects me to remember him fully. I started to mentally freak out as I tried to force myself to remember. I needed him to do something that would trigger my memory, but what. 

20 minutes earlier.

     "Alec." Edward's small voice called for Alec from the porch. Alec walked over to the doors while wondering what Edward could have wanted. 
     "Yes?" Alec asked with narrowed eyes a little suspicious of what he wanted. 
     "I wanted to let you know something. Ilithyia doesn't remember everything that well from her past. Especially you.The only thing she does remember is that you are her mate, but she doesn't know what type of relationship you two shared when she was still human." Edward explained as Alec nodded his hand in understanding. 

     "Kiss me." 

    "What?" Alec asked looking at me with a raised brow as I immediately blurted out my request. I could feel myself starting to freak out even more. If I was human, then I'd be blushing like a mad man. 
     "Wait. Have we ever kissed before?" I asked mainly to myself but he could hear me. 
I regretted telling him to do that for a few reasons.  One, I hardly even remembered him, two, I can't even tell him to kiss me to trigger a memory, if I don't even know if we've even ever made it that far! Third, this. Boy started laughing. Alec Volturi was sitting in my room, LAUGHING. At me for telling him to kiss me. 
Yup, I would have died of embarrassment if I were still human. 
     "No, we've never shared a kiss." Alec tells me after calming down from his fit of laughter. A smile crossed my face, but soon faded as the sound of a loud wail filled the room.
   "Shoot, we woke Sapphire." I say rushing out of the room to go get her bottle. I knew she probably would like some warm milk to help her fall back to sleep. 

    "Hello dear one, what are you doing, if you don't mind me asking?" Came the smoothed voice of Marcus. I turned to see him sitting at the dining table reading a book. Which book, I had no clue, but I didn't have time to ask him. I could still hear my little girl crying and I didnt want her to be upset any moment longer. This mothering thing has me feeling as if I was going insanely protective. Which is normal, right? 
    "I'm looking for a premade milk bottle for Sapphire. Alec and I accidentally woke her up." I replied. Grabbing the nearest half filled bottle on the door I immediately say a goodbye, and rush upstairs. Just as I was about to open the door. The crying came to a stop. With a raised brow, I opened the door to see the cutest sight ever. 
Alec held Sapphire in his arms, gently rocking her back and forth. I could still see her eyes open; so I closed the door, and walked over with the bottle. Alec grabbed it with his free hand and allowed Sapphire's little hands to grab each side and direct the nipple part to her small mouth. Her eyes lit up with pure joy as the substance made its way down her throat. 
I couldn't help but laugh as I heard Alec let out a quiet "awee".
    "It's not my fault she is the cutest baby on the Earth." Alec tried to defend himself as I continued to laugh. Smiling at him I sat down on the bed. After a good ten minutes he also joined me on the bed. Sapphire finished her bottle, was burped, and back to sleep in no time. 
    "So, where were we? Ah yes, you wanted me to do something….like this."
Before I could even think back to what we were talking about before Sapphire had awoken. Alec's lips were firmly pressed to mine.
The movement of his soft, sweet tasting lips made me grip his neck tightly and moan a little bit in the heat of the moment. His hands slowly make their way down to my waist and grip tightly and push me into the mattress. His hands make their way back up to my neck, where he pushes my head up to deepen the kiss even more. 

"Alec.." I whispered his name, but I knew everyone could hear me. 

       "Hello my love." He says walking towards me, and bringing me into a tight hug. I felt so relaxed, safe, warm, and cozy in his arms. I leaned in a bit more to lay a kiss on his neck. This caused him to let out a groan. 
I backed up flustered a bit at the noise he had made.

      "You look beautiful." He compliments me while just holding my hands in his slightly larger ones. 

     "Thank you, I guess I'm dressed the part." I respond blushing as I look down with a huge smile plastered on my face. 

That was it. Another memory, but I thought something had to happen with someone, similar to what happened in my past. 

    "Ilithyia do you-" Alec and I immediately jumped apart as someone barged in. 
Looking towards my door, I see none other than Bella.I mentally groan as I get up to straighten out my clothes. 
     "Yes bella?" I asked looking her in her eyes. She was stopped in her tracks. Face completely in shock as she looked back and forth between Alec and I. 
    "I just came to tell you that Rose would like to spend tomorrow with Sapphire. While you and Slec go on your date." Bella explains as I tilt my head in confusion. 
    "Dang it Bella! She wasn't supposed to know yet!" Alice yelled out from somewhere in the house. I smirk while looking back at Alec, who was looking down. 
     "Oh really, Alec. Did you know anything about this?" I asked, causing him to try and avoid eye contact with me. I laughed as I looked to Bella. 
    "Tell Rose that she has every right to spend the day with Sapphire. I wouldn't want my date to be let down." I responded to her, as she rushes off. I looked back to Alec.
Who still was looking in every direction. 

   "So, what time should I be ready?"

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