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 I layed there cuddled next to my dear Sapphire as she fiddled with her pacifier. A small smile graced my features as her heartbeat picked up with each little giggle and cooing noise she had made. The wide open smile that she held was a sight to behold. My joy truly came from this little being.
     "Ilithyia?" Bella's voice sounded from the other side of my room door. Looking over I saw that the clock read '11:45 am'. I smiled and told Bella to come in. She walked in with a huge smile as soon as her eyes landed on Sapphire. Bella made her way to the edge of the bed where she sat silently, just observing the both of us. 
      "I wish Nessie was still that small…" Bella whispered but I could still hear her. I gave a pitied smile not knowing what else to do. I know it must have been really hard to cope with how alarmingly fast Renesmee grew. One day Bella could swaddle her in her arms, the next hold her tightly on her hip, then bam. She now has to hug her daughter who was now up to her shoulders. I couldn't imagine having to go through that. 
     "Do you want to hold her?" I asked sitting up, bringing Sapphire up with me. She started to flap her arms around in protest, but I still sat her down in my lap. Laughing at the little pouty face that took over her expression. 
Bella didn't answer, she only nodded with a smile. Gently placing Sapphire into her arms, I couldn't help but swiftly reach under my bed and snap a picture of the beautiful moment.

   "Aren't you and Alec going on a date today?" Bella asked out of nowhere with a smirk. It suddenly hit me, that last night I found out he had planned to take me out, but when? 
      "Well, I don't know when I should be expecting him. Plus, we can't go to a restaurant, so what should I wear ?" I asked starting to really over think the entire situation. 
     "Why can't you?" Bella asked with a raised brow. 
     "Blood." Was all I said, to which she rolled her eyes at me, and huffed. 
     "Girl, you two can still go out to a restaurant. You'll just need to not draw attention to yourselves." She replied.
     "Well, yea, but that would be a waste of time Bella. Plus, I don't think I want to be surrounded by a bunch of people yet. Especially with my thirst not fully under control." I explained getting up and looking out my window to the forest line. 

 "Now I am going to redo my hair!!" 
They all laugh at my annoyance as I made my way outside to enjoy the cool fall weather. I walk to the forest line letting my feet guide the rest of my way. 
     As I closed my eyes to inhale the loving and welcoming smell of nature, the scent of something else caught my attention. Was that it couldn't be…..could it be…'s cologne? 
    I opened my eyes to be met with a strange looking man to whom I've never seen before. One thing for certain though...his eyes were not normal at all. He was handsome, but he was definitely mysterious at the same time.
         "Um....hi?" I said only for it to sound more like a question as I backed up, only just now realizing I traveled far into the woods on my little journey outside. 
I began to feel my heart rate picked up, and my hands to shake as the man continued to look at me. 
 This couldn't be the way I died...could the Cullen's hear me, and get to me fast enough if I screamed for help. Or would they be too late. 

       " I'm not here to hurt you." The man says sensing my distress and fear. I sighed in relief, but didn't lower my eyes a tad bit from him. 

       "My name is Andrew. I was passing by when I sm- saw you standing here with your eyes closed, and saw your ...expanded stomach." Andrew says looking at my stomach with a look I couldn't read, but I felt a sudden sense of protection over my unborn child. 

        "Well..yeah, um I was just passing by as well. Enjoying the day I guess you could say." I said looking at the man with suspicion.

       "Then I shall let you return to that, my dear."

I stepped back in shock as a memory flashed before my eyes. Feeling fear take over my whole form. As I took small steps slowly to my bedroom door. My breathes were unnecessarily heavy, and I could feel my hands shaking. 
     "Andrew.." I whispered grabbing on to the door knob still looking out the window. 
     "What-Ilithyia are you okay?" Bella tried to get my attention and make sure I was okay, but I didn't give her time to push anymore, because I was soon out of the room heading to the living room. Where all the Cullens, and Volturi members were already seated and talking amongst themselves. Noticing my tensed presences, Alec sped to me and took hold of my hand to see if I was okay. 
     "What happened to him ?" I asked not asking a specific person, but just needing an answer from someone. 
      "To whom my dear?" Aro asked looking up from his spot on the sofa next to his brothers. 
     "Andrew, what happened to him?" 
I asked again looking around frantically, desperate for an answer. 
  "Well, hunny. He kidnapped you, and tried to kill you to get your daughter. So when we found where he had you, we had to hurry and change you before you died. Carlisle took Sapphire and immediately began to run tests to make sure she was okay. Sense you were only six or seven months pregnant, and we feared for her health. Andrew, and his two sisters seemed to have been witches or something, because they put up quite a tough fight, but in the end-" Esme started to explain everything, but was cut off by Alec. 
     "We got somewhat of the upper hand and killed the twins off, but Andrew got away unfortunately. " Alec said, pulling me into his arms and kissing my forehead. 
    "Okay, good." I replied nodding my head, and sending each person in the room a smile. I was still nervous about my kidnapper still out there somewhere, but I know I had my family to help protect my daughter and I if anything were to happen. Plus, I wouldn't be a vulnerable little human either. I locked eyes with Alec and gave him a quick kiss before speeding off to the kitchen and returning with a warm bottle. 
     "It's time for her feeding!" I say with a huge smile as Bella walks over to me with Sapphire slightly reaching out to grab the bottle. 
     "Can I feed her?" A quiet female's voice asked among the vampires. I looked and saw Jane looking at me with a curious look. I immediately matched the voice to hers and realized that she wanted to feed my little girl!
     "Of course!" I reply to her and hand her Sapphire. Allowing Jane to get comfortable with the semi-chunky baby in her arms.
I allow Sapphire to guide the nipple part of the bottle to her tiny mouth. Just so she can start self feeding. You know, being able to put the bottle in her mouth and hold it there. 
I'm truly blessed to have two families who love and adore my baby so much.

Today already was off to a good start ~

Ilthyia Dwyer-Volturi (Twilight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now