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As soon as we got back to the Hotel to pack our stuff, I immediately regretted my decision on going  back. Truth is, didn't even have a plan. What was I supposed to tell Charlie. 

     'oh yeah I got accepted into a college out there in Italy for Arts.'  

Like he would believe that.
For one, I'm only sixteen. Two, I'm homeschooled without an actual degree. So that wouldn't work. I already thought about faking my own death if it came down to it. I know that my mom would want me to return back home no matter what. 
    So, if I was "dead" then she couldn't force me to come home. Unless she forced my corpse to stay in the house…but, I don't think that's something she would do.
    I put the last pail of clothes in my suitcase, and zipped it up. Jasper walked in just as I did that. 
      "You seem to be stressed this morning, Ilthyia." He says leaning against the door frame. I looked at him realising an exaggerated sigh I have been holding in. Plopping down onto my bed, I signalled for him to come sit next to me. Which he did pretty quickly. 

     "I just...i don't want Charlie to get hurt. Nor do I want my mom to be upset. I know she doesn't really care for me, but it hurts to have to leave everything behind. Although I want nothing more than to be with Alec right now." I tell him letting it all go. 

       "Well, all you gotta do is figure out a plan that will back up the fact as to why you'll be staying in Italy, and of course we will help with whatever you need us to. Then, for your mom and Dad, well they'll have to get used to it." Jasper tells me while using his gift to calm me down. I smiled in appreciation, as I got up to hug him. 

            "Thank you Jasper." 

19 hours later.

Once we arrived back at the Cullen's residents, we all piled into the living room to hang out before it was time for Carlisle to go to work, and for the others to go on doing what they had planned for today. 
Jasper was sat on a lovers sofa with Alice reading a book over the War of 1812. 
   Esme and Carlisle were in a very serious, adorable battle of Chess. Rosalie had her head laying on the chest of Emmett's as they watched the trees outside sway back and forth to the light breeze of wind. 
   Bella and her lovely Edward were just silently speaking to one another. I couldn't help but smile at them. They truly were meant for each other. 
   As for me, I sat on the couch sketching a picture of the Three King's. See, I have a photographic memory. 
  So seeing them all sat in their Thrones, was a good piece to remember and sketch. I smiled as I could easily capture their faces so well. 

      "Ilithyia, we have some news." Bella says breaking my train of thought. I lightly placed the pencil down, and turned my attention to her. 
      "Go on." I replied looking at her, Edward with an encouraging smile. 
       "Well, we are getting married!" Bella says after a minute of silence. 
     "That's amazing Bells. I'm so happy for you, the both of you." I replied back with a joyful look. 
   Truth is, I was completely shocked. I was happy for her don't get me wrong, but was I ready to give my older sister off just yet. I mean, technically it would be Charlie giving her off, but you know what I mean. 
    I felt tears slipped as I continued to look at her. She had found her piece charming. Her happiness, her forever home, her happy ever after. I couldn't ask for anyone better for her. Bella deserved this, she deserved to be happy. 
    So I continued to smile, and think happy thoughts. While on the inside, I was breaking into a hundred different pieces. 

The next few days after that night were spent with planning, and such joy. Rose took me dress shopping today, and Alice took me to get my nails done. Then we all went with Bella to pick out her dress. 
  The invitations were sent out yesterday, seeing as the wedding was in just two weeks from now. It surprised me to see that there was an invitation going out to the Volturi as well, but something told me they wouldn't be attending this happy event. 

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