Chapter One - Lonely

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It was late evening in Daniel Howells household, he was laid on his bed looking up towards the dark abyss of this bedroom ceiling he sighed as he rolled over and looked at his clock, 12:30, he rolled back over, again laid and contemplated thoughts as the dark shadows of his room danced around him. He seemed angry, angry about his past and how his cousins didn't seem to care about him like his parents used too. Again that flashing image came in to his mind again the sudden screech of car tyres, a weak cry for help from his mother and a slam, the slam was the worst part, as his parents went silent, didn't respond, when he cried for help no one was there. Just him and the dark abyss. He blinked and was back in his room watching his ceiling once again with darkness somehow comforting from his disturbed memories.

He woke up the next morning feeling like shit mainly because his Aunt Bertha came stomping in to his room "Wake up you stupid boy! You are going to make Eric late for school" Dan sighed and sat up "Don't you sigh at me boy!" Bertha screeched as she threw his crinkled school shirt and tie at him. Bertha stormed out which left Dan sat on his bed alone.

Dan strolled down the stairs as he messily tucked in his crumpled shirt and straightened his stupidly short tie, "Morning cousin!" said Eric cheerily "I notice that your shirt is crumpled? Well that's not very good is it?" he said sneeringly "ah thanks didn't notice that" Dan groaned as he shuffled down the hall half awake, "Oh and Dan" he demanded "don't forget that I have friends round today so no weird stuff stay in your room and keep out of my sight you little creep" "that's fine with me!" Dan shouted as he stuffed his face with toast. He brushed his teeth and ruffled his hair and followed his Aunt and Cousin out to the car where they sat in the front and listened to Renaissance Classical Music as they drove down the road Dan chuckled to himself as he watched Eric conduct the music with his hands like he was performing at the royal albert hall, he put in his earphones to listen to muse and watched the world go by outside his window.

School seemed to drag on forever, when he finally arrived home he went straight to his room to avoid Eric and his lousy friends. He sat on his bed and browsed the internet, he wished that he had a close friend someone that understood him and made him feel worthy to the world. He had no friends at school only enemies, he felt alone, he felt different to others but didn't know how to tell anyone. He does things which humans are not supposed to do such as accidently making things move and somehow feeling that the trees outside are whispering secrets about him they constantly repeat the same word over and over again "Mortem" what did that mean? He wished that he was normal. He smiled at the posts and the memes which made him feel better inside but nothing could fill the hole which was having someone close to love, care for him and understand him. He laid back down and looked up at the ceiling which he always gazed at when feeling alone which seemed infinite. 

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