Chapter Two - Letter

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It was around midnight and he was staring at the endless darkness which was his ceiling, it was cold and a foggy mist clouded him when he breathed out, again he sighed and looked up wishing that he could leave. Then suddenly he heard a knocking noise coming from outside his window Dan firstly ignored the noise thinking that it was his imagination taking him to a better place but again KNOCK KNOCK the knocking grew louder Dan slowly crawled over from his bed to the window where the knocking seemed to be pounding his window panes, He clasped his curtains and with one solid breath he swiped them open to see a gold humming bird. Dan gasped in shock as it knocked on the window with its beak with some sort of letter. The bird knocked more so he open the window and let it fly in, I didn't seem like a real bird because of its gold colouring it also looked mechanical like it had been made out of random nuts and bolts put together. The bird whizzed around Dan's room and suddenly stopped "what's that you have in your beak" he asked as he edged closer to the bird, the bird seemed to not give it to Dan but with a sharp snatch Dan pulled it sharply away from the birds tight grip. The letter was addressed to "Daniel Howell", it had been written in squiggly handwriting and sealed with wax. Dan opened the letter carefully and read the first line "Dear Daniel Howell you have been accepted in to Hogwarts the school of witchcraft and wizardry yours faithfully Albus" Dan was in shock he thought it was a joke, "witchcraft and wizardry?" he whispered thoughtfully he sat on his bed and watched the mechanical bird whirr around his room. He carried on reading and saw two boxes in the far bottom corner, the first box read "Tick here if you accept your placement at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry" and the second box said "Tick here if you are not interested for this placement at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry". Dan was still confused, was this a joke? Was this whole thing a dream? He reached for a pen off his desk and ticked the "Accept" box he felt unsure of his choice. Then unexpectedly the gold bird swooped down and took his letter away "NO!" cried Dan as the bird took it swiftly out of his grip and flew around his room. Then more birds appeared from the window flying in in hundreds maybe even thousands through his window all screeching flapping their mechanical wings and making some kind of tsunami of birds surrounding his letter. Then all of a sudden, the birds flew out of this window leaving behind a Hogwarts suitcase, a bird cage and a letter congratulating his entry to Hogwarts. Dan smiled a huge smile something which he hadn't done in a while. 

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