Shoto Todoroki x reader angst

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Quirk : elements - user can use all of the elements such as Earth, Fire, Air, and Water (THE AVATAR!!!) 

*when you were kids*

"hey Shoto!" you exclaimed staring at your one and only friend. You would meet Shoto everyday at the park to hangout. "oh, hey (Y/N)" he said whit a very big smile on his face. "what do you want to play this tome Shoto?" you never called him by his last name, "wanna play hero's?" he shouted at you with excitement. "Sure!" you gave him a thumbs up as you hid under a tree pretending to be face to face with a villain, "ah Shoto help meeee!!" you said in a slightly high voice so that no one thought you were in actually in trouble. "don't worry (Y/N) i'm here for you!" Shoto yelled and picked you up. "Thanks Shoto your my hero!!" you laughed as he hid his face from you so you didn't see his massive blush. After a while of you two playing you got kinda tired and layed down on the grass looking at the clear blue sky. After a while of you two just laying there he broke the silence with saying "...(Y/N)....someday im gonna marry you and we will have a kid to take care of" you got up off the grass and looked him dead in the eye "Shoto that's all i ever want, i want to spend my entire life by your side!" you jumped into his arms giving him a missive hug. But while you were hugging him your mother and Endeavor came to pick you guys up from there business talk. "Shoto its time to go" Endeavor said in a harsh low voice, you let go of Shoto "i'll see you tomorrow Shoto!!!" you said to him as he waled off with his father. "Well honey, looks like you had fun" you mother said as she saw your huge smile placed on your face "MOMMA IM GONNA MARRY SHOTO!!!" she looked at you surprised at your sudden outburst she just chuckled and continued to walk. The next day you wen to the park but Shoto was not there, you waited and waited until it was late at night the sun had already gone down. You wanted to cry but you didnt give up, you went home and came to the park the next day....still no sign of him. After an entire week of not seeing him he finally came, but he didn't look the same he had a bandage over his left eye. As both of your parents walked away to talk leaving you two alone you walked close to him "....Shoto...? A-are you o-ok?" you asked seeing his head down you tried to touch his bandage but he smacked your hand away "DON'T TOUCH ME!" He shouted not looking you in the eye "B-but Shoto....what's wrong what happened?!" you shouted tears threatening to spill out of your eyes because of him yelling at you, he never yelled at you. "NON OF YOU BUSINESS (Y/N)!" you tackled him trying to find out why he was yelling at you, you ended up on top of him trying to snatch the bandage away from his eye. He yelled at you to stop but you didnt budge so he used his fire quirk on you grabbing your arm harshly, lighting your entire arm on fire, "OW!!!" you hissed letting go of him as he let go of you. You started to cry holding your arm from the burn mark he placed on you. He felt a burning of guilt wash over him as he looked at you horrified at what he did to his 'best friend' he tried to apologize to you but his words caught in the back of his throat. you started running away from him tears spilling out of your eyes however you didn't hear him yelling your name telling you to stop. but you couldn't hear him over your sobbing but before you left you shouted back at him "YOUR JUST A MONSTER LIKE YOUR FATHER!!" that made his chest feel heavy and he started to cry knowing you were right, he never meant for you to get hurt he didn't mean to snap at you like that. it left a scar on his heart knowing he hurt the one he loved so dearly.

*present time*

After the incident with Shoto you became antisocial and didn't talk to anyone but your parents, you lost all contact with the Todoroki family you didn't see Shoto ever after that. And that burn mark Shoto gave you on your arm turned into a scar you didn't like to show the world so you cover it up with bandages. But your mother and father were pro hero's and got you to go to U.A. by recommendations however you did not want to go to school because that meant you has to talk to people. "mom do i have to go to school?" you mother looked at you "yes sweetie, you need to meet new people." .... "but what if 'he' is gonna be there?" your mother didn't answer you she just gave you your lunch and shoved you on your way. As you were heading there you bumped into a green haired boy, "ow..." you said as you fell on the concrete. The boy turned around seeing as you fell he handed a hand out to you saying sorry about a million times, "you put your hand on his shoulder and said "its fine, are you going to U.A. too?" his face lit up at the sound of U.A. "yeah im heading there wanna walk together since you headin' there too?" you nodded your head walking silently to school as you looked for 1.A. since he looked as lost as you you asked what class he had "i have class 1.A. but i don't know where it is" he looked embarrassed "hey, i have 1.A. too" he looked glad and you walked around the school until you saw a huge door that said 1.A. "welp here it is...1.A." you said as you opened the door and a blue haired kid with glasses came up straight to you and..."sorry i didn't get your name" he looked surprised "oh sorry my name is Izuku Midoriya, and you are?" you looked at him "I'm (Y/N)" nice to meet you. by then the blue haired kid was already next to you talking to Izuku, you took a step forwards looking around looking at your classmates as your eyes set on and kid with half red and half white hair 'no i-it cant be him' he looked over to you and your eyes met for a second but you looked away and walked over to your seat, he was about to talk to you but class started 'why does she look so familiar? can it really be (Y/N)?' after aizawa was done talking telling you guys to get your P.E. uniforms on you walked out of the girls locker room with you P.E. clothes on, you saw izuku talking to some people you walked over to him "hey izuku" he looked at you "o-oh he-" he looked at your bandaged arm "hey are you ok?" you looked at your arm and nodded your head and told him it got burned but you didnt tell him how. Shoto however saw it and guilt covered him as he looked at your sad figure. 'that has to be (Y/N)' "(Y/N) please throw this ball but stay inside of the circle, you can use your quirk" you took the ball from his hand activating your quirk you used earth, air, and water you didn't use fire because you had the fear of being buried or burning some one you loved just like Shoto did. aizawa looked at the measure thingy it went over 500 meters away the whole class was speechless you walked away from the group feeling dizzy because of the amount of people watching you 'he didnt see, he didnt see' you kept telling your self that but you knew he did, you got so dizzy the ground broke underneath you forming a rock dome around your panicked body, aizawa sighed walking over to you knocking one the rock asking you to let him in which you did letting only him in and shutting the door again. after a little while you took down the dome and walked to got dressed with Shoto following you, when you made it inside he stopped you "(Y/N)?" you turned your head to see who called your name your face turned stone cold as you saw your childhood crush/best friend calling to you, you looked away "Todoroki" you said in a cold tone making his heart shatter he never heard you call him by his last name. "i-im sorry about your arm" .... "it don't  matter now" you said looking up at him. "(Y/N)?....c-can we please start over? i didn't mean to push you away when we were younger" "Shoto i can never forgive you but i want to restart too" his face lit up and a small smile placed on him face he hugged you "thank you" you hugged him back chuckling "yeah, yeah, ok now let me change!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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