The Beginning

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06:18am ; Friday January 15th
Get up for work, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep, repeat. The routine dragged on. After getting out of college, the days dragged on. It wasn't like everyone said it would be. There was no nights out, no extra money to spend, no friends stayed in contact after school finished. It was like being put into an isolating hole. Yein let out a sigh, running her fingers through her hair. It was the same recycled actions.
After work, she decided to walk home. Normally, she took the bus, or occasionally a taxi. Today was one of those days where she just wanted to be alone. Feeling the cold winter winds through the thickness of her sweater. Here and there she would take peeks over her shoulder, the result of paranoia. It was only a few more blocks until she would be engulfed in the warmth of home. But before she could long anymore, she was snapped from her thoughts. A shadowed figure sprinted straight for her. Every ounce of her body froze, although she screamed at her self to run, she remained there.
The clash of their bodies took the both of them straight to the ground. The figure let out a grunt and a few painful moans. The female made cries from the sharpness of the pain that rushed through all her nerves. Before she could collect herself, the shadow took hold of her by the wrist, pulling her deep into a different alleyway.
"Who...the hell...are you..." Yein spike between gasps of air. The figure, a boy, was now visible in the dim streetlight.
"San." His voice sounded unfazed by the amount of running, like he was used to it.
"Are you hurt?" He placed a hand upon the shorter girl's shoulder.
She brushed his hand off.
"Hurt is an understatement." He let out a playful,yet sarcastic chuckle.
"What's that for?" She question.
"I didn't mean to run into you, you just happened to be there." He crouched down, leaning his body against the cool concrete wall.
"Well, thanks for the injuries, but I'll be on my own way now." She didn't bother to look down at him.
Before she could get far, he appeared before her again. This time, she could see the details of his face. He was young, still a teen, he had wide eyes and a very strong facial structure.
"What?" She scoffed. "Want my number or something?"
San let out a laugh before he picked the smaller up, throwing her over his shoulder.
"Hey!!! Let me go!" She kicked at him, but his grasp was to strong.
Soon her vision blurred, fading out into blackness.
08:17am ; Saturday, January 16th
When she woke up, Yein noticed that she was in a bedroom. A bedroom that wasn't hers. She looked around, looking for any trace of the previous night. The room was perfectly tidy. It was a small room. The only things that occupied it were a small desk along with the bed she had awoken on. There was only one window that seemed to look over a parking lot.
Yein didn't realize how much her head and body ached until her attempt to stand. Her legs gave out beneath her, letting her body land with a heavy thud onto the wood floor.
A familiar grasp came around her, San's arms picking her back up to the bed.
"Woa there soldier. Take it easy." He handed her a glass of water; she refused.
" I?"
I was finally inspired to write another story. This time !!!! It's a mafia / gang story. This is also my first time writing a story like this so if you have any recommendations plS let me know !! 🥺💛
-M 🌻

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