Are You Dead Yet? pt.4

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Anthony loved the way Aziraphale smiled during their first dance that night. Everything seemed so beautiful about the wedding. It was almost if neither of them could wait a moment longer to declare their love. They just had to have each other.

It was the kind of thing that made the stars connect.

What made Anthony's heart explode was seeing his husband in a weeding dress.

"Eager to change back, aren't we?" Anthony laughed. Aziraphale smiled and said, "A little. I just don't look good in a dress."

"Yes you do. You look best as my husband in a dress. Wasn't too into you having breasts. You know?"

Aziraphale grabbed his hand and said, "Of course. I understand. Now I'm just your husband in a dress."

Anthony began to drive and said, "I can't believe we're married. I never would have thought some random angel I met in a bar would be my husband."

"Oh yes, and I didn't think the poor guy who had just been disowned so I let him stay with me, would be my husband."

The two of them smiled softly at each other, occasionally glimpsing at each, other. That was until they got home. Aziraphale carried Anthony inside. The two shared a glass of wine. Anthony hoped it would calm his nerves.

"Are we going to do it Azzie? Like tonight?"

Aziraphale blushed and asked, "Would you like to?"

Anthony said, "I would."

"Well maybe we should get started then. Come on."

Time skip to later that night

Anthony yawned softly, "I love you Azzie. I'm so glad to have you as my husband."

"Ditto, Anthony. I'll love you forever more."

After that Anthony fell asleep in Aziraphale's arms.

They spent years with each other. Some nights like that, most soft and pure. They had fun. Especially with fine dining restaurants and long drives in the Bentley. There had came a time where those things did seem to become odd. Aziraphale could see it, Anthony was growing old.

The two didn't want to go their separate ways, but they couldn't continue on, especially when Aziraphale looked so young. It broke both their hearts to leave each other, but that could never stop their love.

June 12, 1988
Dear Anthony,

Oh, how I miss you chuckaboo. It's killing me to wake up alone. I'm writing this in bed currently thinking about my adoration for you. I wish things didn't have to be like this. I wanted to continue having the best of times with you. Things are always miserable when we're apart. I miss the house, I miss the fields, and I miss you most of all. The city here is too busy for my taste. I do own a book shop though. It's actually more of a place to store my books. I always make sure nobody buys anything. How are things going out there for you? I want to hear about everything, even the things I already know.

-Love, Aziraphale

June 16, 1988
Dear Azzie,

I miss you. My heart feels cold and numb without you. I don't know what to do without you. It just feels so lonely. I miss waking up and seeing your sweet face. I miss your touch and adoration. I miss the smell of you. I miss your blue eyes. I miss you so much angel. Nothing feels the same without you. I feel like I'm going insane. The only thing that keeps me going is the memories. Everything is as you left it, because I can't bare to change a thing. That's because I love you.

P.S. Like the chocolates?

Aziraphale did enjoy the box of chocolates attached with the letter. As he savored the sweet taste he remembered back to when he and Anthony went on their first picnic together.

It was just the two of them, running through the field down to the stream. Anthony carried the food and Aziraphale was wrapped up in the blanket.

"Anthony, wait for me!"

A smile dusted over Anthony's face as he shouted, "Put put angel! I can't help that you're slow!"

Aziraphale continued to chase after Anthony.

"Your legs are too long, Anthony!"

"Oh really?" Anthony shouted as he sat down by the edge of the stream. Eventually Aziraphale caught up to him.

"You go too fast for me, Anthony J. Crowley."

Aziraphale laid the blanket down and said, "Come on pretty boy, it's lunchtime."

Anthony sat on the blanket, smiling as Aziraphale settled his head down on his lap.

Aziraphale read out loud. Anthony loved hearing his angel's soft voice. Every two pages he'd wave half of a sandwich in front of Aziraphale's face, to which Aziraphale always took a bite. Even after he finished reading, he let Anthony shove sandwiches into his face.

The two spent the entire afternoon gazing lovingly at each other.

As Aziraphale finished the memory (and chocolates) he started to write another letter to Anthony.

June 20, 1988
My dearest Anthony,

I just received your letter and gift. The chocolates were absolutely scrumptious. You always know how to pick the best ones. I wish I could be there with you to tell you how much I loved them. I wish I could say I love you to your face one more time. We can't though. You know that. What if your expiration date comes and I'm with you? Heaven would never approve. I'm not supposed to love you like this, but I doubt anyone in the entire universe could make my heart explode the way it does for you.

-Yours truly, Azzie

Anthony read over the letter. He smiled as tears rolled down his cheeks. He sniffled softly and grabbed his pen.

June 25, 1988
Hello angel,

Do you remember when we used to laugh about how illegal our private lives were? Are there rules like that you have to abide by? Can you really not love a human? If that's so, I think I fear dying more than I already do. The whole thing sounds incredibly scary. You'll wait for me, right? Will you be allowed to love me then? Will I be an angel like you?

-Love Anthony

July 2, 1988
Dear Anthony,

I suppose you could think of it in that way. They wouldn't punish you though, only me. You also wouldn't become an angel. Once a human, always a human... except for in certain cases. There's been a few weird happenings with humans becoming demons. Hell is definitely building armies. You don't have to worry about that though. You also have a few more decades. Heads up, you're dying in the year 2010. Got into a few of the confidential books.

-Your sly angel who wants to meet up again soon, Azzie

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