Chapter 2 Part 1: Amnisia And The Start Of New Friendships

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Last Time, On Chapter 1:

"Uhg, why must this happen every morning?" She groaned. When she was bout to get up, a hand reached out for her. She looked up to see her best friend, ((Friends Name)) (F/n).

"Hello, ((Rivals Name)) (R/n)."

"Alright then, you know drill girls."

".....I got slammed into a wall, by accident."

"The next time I see your face, you better run. Because I will make sure your life will be hell."

"WhAt's tHe MAttEr LiTtle girl? Surprised to see me?"

"What is it that you want?"

"A gAmE,"

"If YoU mAkE iT bAcK, I wIlL gRaNt YoU a WiSh Of YoUr ChOoSiNg....."

"If I loose?"

"I'lL tAkE yOuR sOuL aNd YoU'lL bE mInE FOr InTeRnItY."


"Can you tell us your name?"

"(Y/n...........But I can't remember anything eles...."

3ed POV

The Teletubbies looked at (Y/n) in disbelief, Lala's face saddened.

"It's a possibility that she lost her memories with that injury on her head. But it good to know that she didn't forget her name." She said to her friends. (Y/n)'s head tilted like a puppy that heard a strange noise and trying to figure out what is was. Po nod and looked at (Y/n) with a small sad smile.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you (Y/n). These are my friends: Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala, and I'm Po." She said with her cheerful voice and raised a hand to shake. (Y/n) hesitate the guestered before smiling at her and her friends.

"It's nice to meet you all as well." (Y/n) said with a smile, gaining their smiles in return.

Time Skip To 3 weeks later

It had been three weeks after (Y/n) entered the Teletubbies lives. During the three weeks they had learned (Y/n)'s personality. She was kind around them, always helping around the house, even though they didn't ask her at times.

They had also learn that she was very curious, there was this one time she was inspecting the announcer that usually pops up from the ground, then got surprised when it then vanishes back to the ground. She would always had a questionable face as she looks at the ground. Tinky Winky and Dipsy would be lying if she didn't look adorably haliriuos while trying to find and pounce on the announcer again.

Another personality to her that always stick out was her adventurous spirit. She always find a way to find anything that intrigued her interest. The other day, she went on a hike with Po and Lala. They couldn't keep up with her until they reached top of a tall hill or she slowed down.

Right now, the young Tubby was playing out side with Lala's ball. As she was playing, the announcer came up beside her without her knowledge.

Meanwhile somwhere else a lone figure stared at a computer with (Y/n)'s image. The figure smiled, as he had an idea coming on. He raised the announcer behind her and took a breath before going into his announcer voice.

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