Chapter 3 Bloopers

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(Y/n): "....Where am I?"

She said, not noticing the white tubby in an chair, facing her.

Walten: You are in my bunker.

(Y/n): Oh crap! *Hits head against the wall behind her* Oww!

Baymax: On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your pain?

Draika: You're on the wrong set Baymax! Hiro! Baymax is in here! Hehehe.

  The white tubby, Walten, rubbed his neck in nervous embarrassment.

  Walten: Well, please don't take it the wrong way but..... I may have been watching you ever since you came here three weeks ago.

(Y/n): ....

Walten: ......

(Y/n): *Hits Walten with his hat* Bad.

  As they made their way out of the teledome, Walten turned to (Y/n) with a stern look.

  Walten: (Y/n), I get it that it's not your fault that you can't control what's happening with that necklace and all, but you got to make sure that thing is under control.

  (Y/n): ..... *Starts crying*

  Walten: Oh Shi- I am so sorry! *Slightly cries with her*

Tinky Winky slightly flinched before a wicked smile crossed his face.

  Tinky Winky: This IS me, (N/n). Just because I killed our friends doesn't mean I'm still the same Tinky Winky from before. Come now (Y/n), don't you want to give your friend a hug?

  (Y/n): Nope. *Hugs Walten*

  Walten: *Hugs back before giving Tinky Winky a smug look, wiggling his eyebrows*

  Tinky Winky: *Eye twitches with a strained smile* Why, you little piece of- *🤬*

Walten let out a tired laugh of relief.

  Walten: Sorry bud, but, you got no way to get up here. It's to steep for you. One bad step, you'll end up falling on your steroidal a-

  (Y/n): *accidentally smacks Walten's mouth* Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!

  Draika and Tinky Winky: Hahahahahahahahahahahah!

  Walten: Why? (ಥ^ಥ)

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