Chapter 5 Part 2: Danger In The Satellite Station

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  The two tubbies stood tall as they looked up to see the spire, and in the distance on a rocky part of the the station was a large satellite looming over them.

  "Here it is, the Satellite Station. Our one way ticket to the military base." Walten in a stern yet, determined tone.

  "So, this it, huh?" (Y/n) said to Walten, still not turning away from the station.

  "Yeah, one more step of journey. The station goes all the way through these mountains... Let's find a way in." Walten said looking around until he found four levers in a single row, "Must be a puzzle.... Hmm... They could have changed it while I was gone." He muttered to himself as he made his way to the levers.

  He pulled one and pushed levers, until a satisfying click was heard from the entrance. Walten gave a small smirk as his words tumbled out, "Easy on the first try in five years."

  He walked back to where (Y/n) was and see that the door rumbled and creaked open, giving them passage to get in.

  The inside of the station dark, but was also lit up by fluorescent lights that shined dimly. The two couldn't help but gag at the smell of oil and a faint stench of blood as they walked into the station. It only got worse when stumbled across a blue teletubby with a signature Satellite Station uniform. Right beside him, was a note that read: Get out before it's too late.

  (Y/n) felt the fur on her neck stand on end, catching a fimiliar scent around them. A faint smell of grass and custard made (Y/n)'s eyes water at the very whiff of it. It's impossible for it be him...... Right?

  "(Y/n)?" A kind voice interrupted her inner panic attack. She looked to her side to Walten hugging her shoulder with a concern written in his face. "You alright?" He said, lightly patting her shoulder in comfort.

  "I don't know. I think I just smell something that..... That I-I am hoping, it's not what I think it is." (Y/n) said as continued to walk forward.

  Walten's eyes frowned until they grew large, to the point it looked like his eyes were about to pop out. His breath hitched as he now notice a faint visible red line that (Y/n) was about to step on. Quickly, he lunged forward and grabs her sleeve, and gently yanks her towards his. "Careful," he hiss out, with slight relief he grabbed her in time. "This place is filled with security lasers that will blow up."

  "Oh." (Y/n) squeaks out as she eyes the red laser before looking at Walten with a small nervous smile. "Thank you."

  "Don't mention it," Walten said with a semi-smirk.

  The two continues down the hall before coming to a fork in the pathway. (Y/n) subconsciously gripped onto Walten's arm as they passed by more corpses.

  The two walked into another hallway until they heard coughing. They both gasped, "Hello? Is someone down there?" Walten said before a weak, but kind voice, answers him.

  "I'm over here," it said, waving a pawed hand towards the two.

  (Y/n) was the first to walk up to the figure to see a blue teletubby with a Satellite Station uniform, navy green pants, and had striking emerald eyes. But, one of his eyes were bruised, and blood shot. It looks like he's been through a lot. Poor guy.

 Poor guy

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