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Exams were over and everyone was packing up to move either to a new home or back home depending on what their next steps were. However, in a week a lot of the third years of the U.A College would be on a plane to Valentina sunny resort.

Not everyone could go, but quite a few were going. Including most of the A-class student minus a few who had other arrangements.

"Dude...I'm so ready for a break my brain is fried," Kaminari groaned at his three friends Katsuki Bakugou, Hanta Sero and Eijiro Kirishima.

"I know man, I'm sure I flunked" Kirishima whined.

"Yeh...I was in a real bind" Sero groaned at how poorly he felt he had done on his exams.

"That's because you're all idiots" Bakugou snorted, a natural genius in anything he tried. Kirishima had never really gotten over the split with you, he hadn't even had the effort to try with any other girls after that. It was as if he had been zapped of any attempt to be a pickup machine. Not that the girls didn't gather around, alas none succeeded into the redhead's closed-off heart.

All the others were heartbroken but happily went back to the old ways of playing the field, not allowing any girl in ever again.

"It's going to be strange going back to Valentina Resort?" Kiri finally came out and said it as he loaded the shared moving van with his stuff.

The two blondes and redhead had got accepted on the same team, whereas Sero was going elsewhere. It was a shame as the black-haired guy was extremely close to the three, but he needed to follow his dreams like they were.

"You still being a sappy shit about little rich bitch?" Bakugou groaned about having the conversation for the millionth time but if it were anyone else, he would have lost his shit but not with Kirishima or even Kaminari. They were like brothers to the ash blonde!

"I know what you're going to say...save the lecture," Kirishima groaned, having had the two blondes giving him the facts repeatedly over the past year.

"Come on Kiri baby! Last chance to get any one night stands out the way," Kami added, wiggling his eyebrows at the redhead who laughed.

"Yeh, I guess" is what he said out loud but inside he hoped to see you just once to see if you really didn't care. He'd tried at a few games but by the time he was changed you were long gone, one time he tried to just go to the box in his kit, only to get mobbed by the press.

It was as if fate had put everything in the way of the two of you being together, but he wanted one chance. Kirishima was highly doubtful that you would be there at the hotel, the one in which you first looked into the eyes of each other.

"If it's fate, you'll see her again...now fuckin' smile, we're moving in together then going to a sunny fuckin' destination...little rich bitch or none we need to fuckin' chill" Bakugou snarled closing the van up.

"Yeh, you're right. That is why you're manly," sighing in defeat the redhead got in his car with Kaminari whilst Bakugou drove the van to their shared house.

Whilst packing, Shoto and Izuku had heard Kirishima talking about you and how he missed you. They wanted to tell him but as far as they were aware, you didn't even know that they would be going to the island. Gramps had told them to not say anything and had told you to act surprised when they got there, so you hadn't contacted each other to avoid telling the other.

"Think they will get together?" Izuku turned to his boyfriend.

"I dunno. I don't actually care," Shoto groaned but would be happy if you did.

"I'm so excited to see her and actually spend time with Shortcake," Izuku was giddy as the red and white-haired boy sighed.

"If she isn't working or leaves due to who else will be there," that made the green-haired boy sigh.

Red Dragon! Kirishima Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now