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Yoosung rushes over passing your stuff to you and it couldn't hold in his curiosity.

"Is that the guy that drew that?" The blonde tapped your back, making you glance over to Kirishima staring at you, even though he was trying to act like he wasn't.

"Yeh, it was" Smiling at how you finally get to see him again, but unsure if he still feels the same that you do. "I'm just gonna grab a bite to eat put my stuff back. I'm not running away this time," Sighing, you wrap the towel around you to not soak the hotel floor.

Walking back over to the group, Yoosung placed the stuff back on your seat. The gesture alone shocked the group, even Bakugou was a little dumbfounded.

"She coming back?" Bakugou held his usual scowl on his face though.

"Yep...she is just grabbing a bite to eat. It's like gone 3 pm, she's been in that meeting all day." Yoosung shrugs, before heading back to his duties.

They didn't have to wait long, as ten minutes later they saw you walking back out, munching on the biggest skewer with meat on. Working at the hotel, you knew that there will be a BBQ soon. All you did was beat the queue.

Walking with your head high, you went straight towards Bakugou, Izuku, Shoto, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. The girls were playing in the pool, however, they stopped to watch you walk back. You were having all on not running straight to Kirishima and begging him to take you back, instead, you walked straight towards your seat.

Yet, as you stepped closer to Kirishima, a playful smile crossed your lips. Turning to look over your glasses, you took a massive bite of your skewer. The redhead smiled, he was going to push you down, wanting to pin you underneath his body but somehow restrained to urge.

"So... think you passed your exams?" the words left your parted lips. It was to the group in general, trying to break the clear tension of you being there. At the end of the day, you had broken a lot of people's hearts, so you felt they wouldn't be the same as before.

The question broke the stares, as the guys began to talk to you as if you were an old friend and not someone that had done what you'd done. Over time they'd all come to understand in their own ways you were trying to protect them from the people that wanted to hurt you.

Eating a piece of meat, your eyes can't help but glance at Kirishima, who in turn was constantly glimpsed at you.

"Want a bite, red?" Smiling softly, knowing full well he loved meaty foods.

Without hesitation, as if he'd been waiting for an invitation to get closer to you. He stood up, sitting on the end of your sun lounger with you. Feeling a little more at ease, from walking on cloud nine, of you having his art on you or from the multiple beers, his confidence was at an all-time high.

"You gonna feed me, Princess?" a handsome smile crossed his lips, making you giggle like an excited schoolgirl, a blush crossing your cheeks.

"I'm sure I can hold it to your mouth," shuffling forward on the lounger, you held the skewer to his lips. It was clear that you were flirting, anyone that looked at the two of you could see that.

All the staff were shocked at you flirting with a guy, all of them putting bets whether this was the guy you had been pining for. Yoosung of course knew, so put a handsome bet in, knowing that he would be reaping the reward once it was confirmed.

Kirishima took a large bite with his sharp teeth, before licking his lips clean as you watched, wanting to taste his tongue on yours.

"Food always tasted better when it was yours," Kirishima had a smirk on his face, his eyes begging you to kiss him, that your eyes couldn't seem to tear away, from the red jewels staring at you. It was as if you were hypnotised that you could hardly say anything, not knowing that your body was moving forward.

Red Dragon! Kirishima Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now