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It was so much fun catching up with your old friends and you were so thankful that no one held the breakup against you. Of course, Kirishima couldn't let go of you. Whether it was a hand on your leg, holding your hand or stroking your ear, he just couldn't get enough of feeling you against his skin.

Suddenly, the people on the other side of the table looked a little concerned but before you could ask what was wrong you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning, you saw Sergio looks sorry as if he were about to ask you something.

"Hey Sergio, what's up?" smiling, you really weren't happy that the guy couldn't seem to deal with something on your day off. It must have been important though, as normally he wouldn't have disturbed you.

"Hey (f/n), I'm so sorry to disturb you. I know it's your day off but we're hiring some new staff and well, I thought it would be good to have you in on the interviews," the man smiled, but you glanced at him then back to Kirishima. It was clear from the redhead's face that he wasn't happy that your date would be cancelled.

"Can we discuss this somewhere else?" glancing at Kirishima then to Sergio.

"Sure thing. Want to go to our office?" The way the manager said it pissed everyone else around the table off, it was clear that he was trying to claim you as his. However, you didn't seem to feel it was weird, as it was your office whilst you were staying at the hotel.

"Sure." standing up, you felt Kirishima's hand tighten slightly on yours, pleading for you to stay. Leaning down, you kissed him softly on the lips before whispering in his ear. "Don't get jelly. It's just a work thing. I'll be back in no time scary dragon," giggling, you kissed him, before he let go of your hand.

"No worries, Princess. I'll be here when you get back for our date," Kirishima declared very loudly, making you smile before you felt Sergio grab your hand and pull you towards the office.

"I'll bring her back in one piece," the man called back to Kirishima, but there was a hint of resentment in his voice, a smug look on his face aimed at the red hair glaring daggers at the man as you try to get your balance from being pulled, before ripping your hand out of the man's grip.

"Don't ever grab me like that," your voice is full of pain, a tremble of fear in from your past creepy through. It shocked Sergio, he'd never seen you so scared of him before and the people at the table instantly knew why you were acting this way. Your past relationship with Dabi had ended badly, not only that Toga tried to kill you and so had Alf O'rone.

"I'm sorry. Let's discuss the interviews in the office," instantly Sergio knew that he needed to go in a different approach to get you away from the group. However, your attitude was the coldest he'd ever seen it as you rubbed your wrist, storming towards the office.

Once out of view, Bakugou let go of Kirishima's arm. When Sergio had manhandled you, the redhead had begun to get up, most likely do something that would get him kicked out of the hotel, or that the manager would use against him with you.

"Thanks, man," Kirishima's voice was rough, full of anger as he glared in the direction you had stormed off.

"No worries. I don't like that prick," Bakugou growled, also turning to look in the same direction.

"Who don't we like?" everyone was that focused on looking at the direction you'd gone, they'd not noticed your Gramps sit in the empty seat besides Kirishima. Everyone at the table jumped, before glancing at the older man.

"Shit!" Bakugou screeched a little, "Do you not make any sound when you walk old man?" the ash-blonde growled making the older man laugh, before wondering you'd got to. He had expected you to be here since your bag and hat were on the chair.

"Haha, don't worry about it. Where is my lovely granddaughter? I'm sure she is dying to spend time with you," smirking at the redhead, his face dropped a little at the look of annoyance on his face.

"That manager guy took her for a working thing," Todoroki stated as everyone else nodded.

"Did he now?" your Gramps sounded slightly annoyed as he got up. "I'll be back," the older man went walking towards the same location as yourself.

"He didn't seem happy?" Sero mentioned as the rest of the table agreed.

"It makes sense. Mr (l/n) has been planning for shortcake to have a break for a while," Izuku informs the group.

"Yes, before you ask why we didn't tell you Kirishima. We were asked to not mention her being here as you would have no doubt dropped everything to fly here. In turn, (f/n) would have been happy and pissed off to see you. Especially not finishing your degree," Todoroki was cold to the point.

"Icyhot has a point," Bakugou groaned not wanting to agree.

"I know. I hope it's not going to be like this the whole time," Kirishima moaned before they began discussing plans for the day.

Meanwhile, you were stomping towards the office a few members of staff turned to say morning but thought better of it. Never had they seen you in such a foul mood as you were right now, what shocked them was that a very worried looking Sergio was following sheepishly behind.

As soon as you both got in the office, you sat at your desk waiting for the documents.

"Sorry about that. I didn't want to ruin your day off. You know that I care for you," Sergio wasn't making any sense. The two of you had a friendly work friendship, the smallest amount of flirting but nothing more than you did with anyone that worked at the hotel, whether it was man or woman. It was playful banter that was just friendly, there was no way that anyone could have mistaken it for anything else. You had always been completely open about being in love with someone.

"Sergio, I'm sorry if I ever gave you the impression that we were more than co-workers," sighing deeply, the man's face dropped, but you weren't going to discuss it further, it was your day off and you were dying to get back to Kirishima. "Can I take a look at the CV's then?" holding your hand out, Sergio passed them over but went to grab your wrist. The man had every intention of making you fall for him one way or another before he could make a move through the door opened widely, making him move back.

"There she is!" Your Gramps announced looking at you, noticing just how annoyed you looked at the moment.

"Hey Gramps," sighing as you began to read through the CV's that you've been handed.

"Why are you looking at work on your day off? I thought you'd already decided on who you were interviewing Sergio?" The older man's stern eyes turned towards the manager, who in turn didn't so much as flinch.

"Ah we did, but I thought it would be a good experience for (f/n) to look at them," the man smiled at the older man.

"It would be. If she wasn't on a day off. Plus, as far as I'm aware when (f/n) isn't here you would do this with a team leader?" It was clear that your Gramps was annoyed, but you couldn't sense why.

"I guess so. I didn't think about that," the younger of the men stated through gritted teeth.

"No problem. I'll be taking my granddaughter with me, who will not be working for the next month unless it is completely necessary for her to do so," Your Gramps held out a hand for you, which you happily took.

"No problem, sir. Have a lovely break and we will have to have a drink together on my day off (f/n)," Sergio was acting like nothing awkward had happened between the two of you.

"Ermm yeh. If I'm free sounds good," smiling politely, your Gramps was leading you out of the door. "Have a good day Sergio," waving slightly, before the man could respond you were gone.

'How dare they make a fool out of me!' Sergio was enraged, 'that spoilt brat isn't better than me ...I'll have her eating out of my palm before she knows it' with that he began to find a way to get you to go to him instead of the man that was truly your soul mate. 

***Thank you for reading!***

***I hope that you're enjoying this ending there is some drama and citrus to come don't you worry!***

Red Dragon! Kirishima Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now