89 | Their Favorite Seasons

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Obi-Wan: He prefers autumn! He likes the change of colors as things start to get more cold but still warm. The change of leaves, surprising you with hot chocolate or tea in the mornings if you two happen to run into each other, and seeing all of the different decorations appear as people celebrated the season.

Anakin: Winter! He's not one to like the sand and with that comes the scorching heat of his home planet, Tatooine. The colder it is the better it is for him. He also doesn't mind throwing the occasional snow ball at you and coming up with reasons as to why he should hold you, you being cold being one of the main ones.

Ashoka: Summer! She likes the warmth especially when she gets time off. Enjoying the warmth if she had any time off and being able to spend the season with you. Often going out of her way so the two of you could snatch Jawa Juice or lemonade together as a refresher throughout it.

Padme: She enjoys the spring! She likes how everything comes to life and how the weather starts to get warm again. Her favorite flowers also bloom during that season so she'll usually pick some for the both of you and put them into a small vase or decorate her hair with them on occasion. She also takes advantage of the warmer weather, taking tone out of her day to go on walks with you.

Qui-Gon: Autumn! He considers it to be the perfect weather for iced or hot tea. He also takes time to have in nights with you where the two of you just cuddle and watch movies when he's home and not on a mission or staying at the temple.

Maul: He doesn't have a favourite season, to him the years are all the same, but if he had to choose one it would be the summer. He likes how he has to push himself harder during the summer even if that means he has to take more water breaks. It gives him a reason to do water training and build his endurance for hotter planets.

Luke: He likes the summer! He likes how everything is colourful and alive. The flowers are decorated with gorgeous colours, the grass is green, and it's perfect weather for to hangout near the ocean. Even if he can't swim he likes to mess around when he can and enjoys the small things of summer from growing up on a planet on Tatooine. Often offering you cold drinks and wanting to do summer related activities together.

Han: Han likes the winter. Too him it's simpler that way, there's less people and less things to worry about. He wouldn't admit it but he also likes snuggling in with you during the colder nights and holding you during the mornings.

Leia: She prefers the spring. It's still cool but not too hot outside yet, making it perfect to do outdoor activities. She often liked getting a drink with you in the morning and holding hands with the fresh smell of morning dew. She liked the small signs of affection and the small things in life.

Boba: He likes the autumn. It provides cooler weather and he doesn't have to worry about the both of you overheating as much in your amour. He also likes to surprise you with coffees once a week or try and craft pumpkins with you.

Finn: He likes the summer! He likes how the warm weather seems to make everyone more happier compared to winter. Having outdoor picnics with you, eating ice cream, and staying out later until the sun starts to fall and the sound of crickets fill the air. There's a certain bliss he fills when it's summer time and he's even happier that he gets to spend it with you.

Poe: Poe prefers the winter. He enjoys wearing his jacket as much as he can even if it means heavier layers instead of just his usual shirt. The snow that covers the ground, how he gets to cuddle you in the morning to keep the both of you warm, and making hot chocolate before stealing kiss is what makes that season his favorite.

Rey: Rey preferred the spring. Growing up on Jaaku all she saw were endless Sandhills and every once in awhile arches of sandstone and crash sites. Now living on a grassy planet she gets to enjoy what she never could, becoming humble and excited over the small things. Seeing green grass and it now it moves around her foot, all different kinds of flowers blooming, and the temperature not being too hot or too cold.

Kylo: Kylo proffered the winter. Working in the cold made more sense to him, he didn't have to risk having a heat stroke from being trapped in his helmet or black outfit when he was on hotter planets. He was never a fan of doing anything particular during the winter but would oblige to do anything you had wanted to.

Hux: Hux enjoyed the fall. He liked the holidays that came with it and how everything became cooler but not cold enough to be freezing every night. He would often talk to you about how some trees stay green all year round compared to others or how people should enjoy it more. Often enjoying his time on planets when their fall season was occurring.

Phasma: Phasma enjoyed the winter. It provided harsher climates that could help build the other stormtroopers endurance as well as yours, making everyone into a better soldier for self defense and completing their goals. Treating you harder than the rest of them to make sure you would succeed, giving tough love.

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