Chapter 1

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I woke up screaming and yep, it was all a dream, my mom woke up after she heard me scream and came to my room running,"jade, jade are you okay", mom, "yes, i'm okay, it's just that day of the year birthday", i said, yep, that's right, i only have this dream on my birthday, but this time it was different cause it lasted longer and i could actually see some one this time, before, all i could hear were voices, but this time i saw a boy about 8-10 years old, his face was extremly cute, his soft lips, his magnificent eyes and his sad face, it made me feel extreme emotions and tears run dowm my cheeks.

" oh, i see, you had that dream again", "yes, anyways, i have to get preped for school", i said, mom nodded and said, bathe, and come down for breskfast" i nodded then she left, waisting no time, i went straight to the shower.

It was cold outside since it was morning, but i didn't mind, i still took a cold shower. I was done so i wrapped myself in a towel and went to look at my self in the mirror by the sink, i had this weird system of looking at how much my body changed every year on my birthday.

I looked below my shoulder, slightly above my right boob, it was a scar, mom said that one day when i was eight, i wondered off into the woods, i was lost, long story short, i escaped a wolf attack, but to be honest...........i don't remember a thing. I touched the scar and felt pain, not on the scar, my heart, it was hurting. I ignored it and went into the closet.

I really got the first thing i could find, a short floral long sleeved dress, matching sneakers and my bag already matched so......hmp, i tie a bun in my hair on the centre then i grab my keys, laptop, wallet and the group assignment me and my two best friends ashley and ryan did, who am i kidding, i did it by my self, they said i was the smartest so i should do it, but i know they said it cause thery were lazy and had a date, it's cute when your besties date but it makes you feel like a third wheel sometimes.

I looked in the mirror one more time to make sure i looked okay, i looked more than okay, i looked.....adorbs, it was my 16th birthday anyway, i had to look good.

I went down stairs, had my breakfast then left for school.

I was there 30mins earlier so i went to the first class, chose a front row seat and decided to go to the computer lab with my laptop to print out and photocopy a few notes for the project, i left my bag on the desk.....bigest mistake ever made.

I went to the lab and did my work, i was done and still had an extra 10mins before class. I barely walked through the door of the class when i found my thrashed back pack, my things were scattered all over the room and the person i hated the most in the whole school, maddie parker, i hated her with every mosole of my entire being, i found her sitting in my chair playing with my keys.

I was overwhelmed by anger, but , i had a reputation for self control, so i just bent to the floor and picked up all my things and packed them in my bag, but wait, my chart for the project, it was nowhere to be seen. Maddie noticed i was looking for something and she said " are you perhaps looking for your chart?", said the annoying thing infront of me "give it back maddie, i'm not in the mood for your jokes", i said kinda irritated, " oh, i haven't seen it, but maybe the trash can has, someone might have thrown it in ",maddie.

Of course i didn't like the idea of digging through the trash, but i had to , the project i worked on fo so long was in there, it had to be done, the girls standing by maddie got there phones ready to take pictures and post them.

I slowly dig through the trash and find my hard work, destroyed, ripped into bits. I was
angry but didn't lose control, then i heard ashley and ryan and immedeatly, i cooled down " what's going on", ashley, "our project, look what she did", i said, ashley and ryan scolded her, then i got an idea, i had about 8mins left till class, i gathered all the information on the chart and changed the medium, i used my laptop instead.

Ashley and ryan were srill repremanding maddie when they heard me say " done", "what's done", the slow pokes asked in unision " i found a way to present our project", i said, "great", they said once again, i didn't even bother asking who would repreasent our group, it would be me again.....obviously.

The class started and it was now time to present the project to the class, it was the best presentation in class, seeing this, ashley and ryan turned in order to face maddie, they both gave her a thumbs up that was turning untill it faced down and they stuck there tounges out at the same time, maddie was upset, i was done with the presention and i did the same thing and she pretended not to care by raising and waving her middle finger. At that, i just chuckled.

Hey loves, i did the first chapter, is it as exciting as the prologue? Just keep with me, it's about to get interesting. Don't forget to vote.
P.S this is unedited so if i messed up somewhere, dont worry, i wll fix it.


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