chapter 14

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In case you forgot, right now ny eyes are as big as planets and i think my jaw is on the floor " you're the Alpha" i say in shock and disbeliefe " the one and only, baby" He says with a smirk on his face " you can't be, you don't match his description" i say and leave him with a confused expression " which is?" He asks " that the Alpha, i mean you are cruel and heartless and you don't trust anyone" I say and this makes him chuckle for some reason " well, uh...cruel and heartless is what i am to my enemies not my own people, they say that because unless my beta's around i'm always in a bad mood, and trust, i find it hard to trust people because i was once betrayed by the one i trusted the most. So we can say i am the way i am because of certain circumstances" he ends with a blank expression " okay, now i'm curious, do you trust me?"

I immedeatly feel an arm around my waist and he says " i do trust you, that's why i'm telling you all this" then i look up and meet his beautiful brown eyes........wait what?...brown eyes?, aren' t his eyes grey?  I push him away while wearing a confused expression " what? What happened" he asks " your eyes are brown" i say still confused " um... Yeah, so?" He asks " well, at the lake your eyes were grey, and also in my room last night" i am still confused what is this guy a wizard " oh, you mean the colour change, that happens when i' m happy or upset. You have to get used to it cause this will happen everytime i'm around you" he say " why? " i ask " cause, i don't know i guess you make me happy?" His response was more of a question and it has me feeling like a total fool because that was obvious " oh, right"  i say the he chuckles at me the stops suddenly " what's wrong?" I ask him patiently waiting for an answer " something just hit me, why did you want to see me?" He asks with a confused expresssion " what? Oh, you mean the alpha thing. Well, i came cause someone made my bestfriends leave school so they could have more time to train" i say angrily " oh, you mean Ashley, Ryan and Maddison?" He asks " yeah i mean Ashley, Ryan and.....wait did you say Maddie, as in Maddison Parker" i ask about to curse my luck " yeah, Maddison. She one of your ' bestfriends'?" He says as if he knows i hate her and he is only trying to annoy me " no, ew, yuck, i'd rather die than be friends with that slut" i say speaking the honest truth here the i hear xander let out a small chuckle " i know, no one really likes her much, they only pretend cause they're all afraid of her. Now she, Ashley and Ryan anre one of my best fighters so they can't go back if thats what you came here for" he said turning on his heel heading for his desk " i'm not here for that, i want to........i want to join the pack" i say after giving it one more thought, then xander snaps his head in my direction almost as if he couldn't believe what i just said

" really! Ahem....i mean really, why though?" He says trying to cover up his excitement " cause, i found out i'm a werewolf and i really need to be around people my own kind. I can't stay home anymore cause one way or the other, someone is gonna find out about me and also, seeeing that you are my mate, it means i was destined to be here so, yeah. But that doesn't mean i accept you as my mate" i say making sure i didn't say anything i would regret later " i get it, and you're right, you need to be around other werewolves. Buuuuut, i can't make you a member yet cause i have a meeting i have to go to, it might take some time so i need you to be patient, in the mean time, i'll send someone to show you around ,kay?" He asks " um...sure" i say " great, the guy will be here shortly. Now if you'll excuse me i have a meeting to go to so, later?" He asks " later" i say then he heads out of the room, rita and i are sad cause he is gone so we just hold on to his scent.

Soon after, i get a new scent, i snap my head in the direction of the door then i see this cute guy, not as cute as xan though " hi, i'm ray, the alpha sent me here" he says with a smile " hi ray, i'm jade, nice to meet you." I smile back " like wise, so shall this tour begin" he asks and i'm shocked at how well mannerd he is " uh...yeah, let's begin" and with that we both walk out and begin the tour.

Lo siento amigos, i am so so sorry i haven't updated in some time, i had a physics, chemistry and biology practical test i was preparing for that's why i couldn't update, so sorry again. Anyways hope you like the chapter. Don't forget to vote or comment or whatever. Te amo my sweeties.

P.s i'm starting a new book it's called An Omega's cry, check it out. Love ya.


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