chapter 10

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"" i gave in then he smirked, came closer and kissed my cheek which made me feel tingles down my spine and said goodbye. I don't realise the door opening until my mom says "Jade, what happend in here? Who were you talking to?" She says as i snap out of the trance xander put me in, i panic because when i realise i don't have answers to her questions, then it hit me.

I remember that i have a degree in lying and i also remember the first rule in lying college, ' never panic when telling a lie' so i calm my nerves before responding " No, no one was here, don't worry" i say  calmy, " Then what was all the noise about" she asks while i make a fake ' i'm sorry' expression " look, i know you're gonna be mad but.......i was actually watching a movie" i say while mom gasps " Jade ella hathaway" she says, oh no, not my full name, i am so in for earfull " you know you're not allowed to watch movies on a school night, i mean what is this now?" She says that last part while checking the time on her watch " midnight, movies at midnight?" She says with a ' you're so in trouble' expression' " i' m sorry but i just had to, if i didn't then my classmates woulda spoiled it for me. Look, i'm so sorry and i promise i'll never do it again" i say " fine, but let this be the first and final straw, if you ever do this again, i'll take away your phone and your laptop" she says, is she kidding, my laptop " okay, last straw" i say " good, now go to bed, yeah?" She says with a smile on her face "yeah" i say while she walks out of the room, i quickly rush and lock the door. I lean on the door with my back and give sigh of relife.

Oooh, i never knew you were so bad, lying to your mother like that and she believed it too. Rita says

I'm not bad, desperate time call for desperate measures,besides, what would i have said to her, huh ' i was in here with a guy named xander who is my mate, oh and ps, im a werewolf ' not a good idea, huh.

I walk to my bed when i hear the balcony door open, i snap into the direction and see the cause of all this chaos, the devil himself, xander. " You little piece of......" He civers my mouth before i say anything else " whoa, hold on. Such words shouldn't exit your pretty mouth, they don't suit you" he says while i push his hand away from my mouth, " whatever, what are you doing back here" i ask " well, there's a bit of a situation near the boarders so i can't go, that is unless you want me to die before marking you and making you mine forever" he says with a playfull smile on his face " that's never gonna happen, i'll reject you" i say with a smirk " ha, as if you'd know how to do that" he says with a smirk.

" i've read a lot of wattpad stories on werewolves to know how to do it so don't dare me cause i will" I say " then do it, i dare to reject me" he says " i jade, i won't reject you" i say " ha,  not so easy staying away from me now is it" she smirks " no, that's not the reason, i wanna give you a chance to win me over. I'll make you a deal, two months, within to months, you make me fall in love with you, if i do fall in love then you can mark me and do whatever you want with me, however if i don't fall in love with you, you wall beg me to reject you. Is that a deal" i say smirking the he pulls me closer to his chest, our eyes meet and lock, i know i'm blushing tomatoe red, all that's left is me to start yelling 'tomatoes for sale' " deal" he whuspers in a deep, husky voice, he comes closer to kiss me then he stops for a while and says " i have to go, see you around" says then leave me in a trance. I can tell that not falling in love with him is going to be harder that i thought.


Hey guys, another chapter at you, hope you love it. Pleease vote and comment, i need to know how you guys feel about the story so please comment. Love you.


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