Chapter 2

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I am the alpha of the moonlight pack, the leader and protecter of the strongest pack of all packs, i am a lycan, in addition to my natural power, i was the strongest werewolf in my pack. I had it all, all that the alpha position could give and more. I only lacked two things in life, my bestfriend and a mate.

I stayed away from home after an incident that happened, in that incident, i lost my best friend, i had no one but myself to blame for it, i took her to her death. I wasn't man enough to see all her memories everyday, so i chose to grow up somewhere else.

I left my pack as a lone wolf, but after 8 years, i was begged and pleaded to go back after my mother, the luna of moonlight pack, took her last breath from her illness, after that, it wasn't long after my father, the Alpha, ended his own life, he was too weak to live without his mate.

I was called back to continue leading the pack as i was the only one who could. I chose to go there and just the first look at my pack killed me, there was sadness everywhere. All the wolves of my pack mourned the death of my parents, but not me, i expected it to happen, it was about time anyway.

I scheduled a pack meeting, some things had to be changed. I couldn't bear hearing my pack's name " moonlight", my best friend died because i wanted to show her the moonlight on that side of the lake. I couldn't help it, so i changed it to black moon, that was better. I also brought a new beta and gamma, beta dylan and gamma josh, the sons of the previous gamma and beta.

I was a little cruel, i gave the harshest punishment to people who betrayed the pack before i  made them rogues, i was sad and low for 8 whole years, i finally had someone to vent my anger and sadness out on. I do get worried sometimes, l have a little.......okay alot of anger issues and i could easily get upset and once i do, i'm afraid i don't have any further control on myself, my wolf vick takes control and i'm afraid i can't control him when he's on a rampage. I fear for my people and decide, i have to find my mate, she could be able to calm me and vick down if it happens, not sure she would though.
Hey loves, thank u for reading, hope u like this chapter. Don't forget to vote, it might incourage me to write another chapter.

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