chapter 15

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I am so upset, which idiot put this stupid meeting on my schedule.

That idiot would be you. You arranged this meeting to discuss how the rogue escaped without a trace, remember? Vick

Vick's right, i called for this meeting. Why did i, i mean i get why i called for a meeting but why today, i wanted to spend time with my mate and now i blew it. This meeting better have a good result otherwise i will kill everyone involved.

I open the doors to the meeting room and i see my beta, gamma, the squad leaders and the woriors two of which are my mates bestfriends. I take my seat next to my beta and he immedeatly notices that i am pissed so he whispers in my ear

"You okay" then i give him a nod to say i am, i lied, i'm not okay, i wanna squeeze someones neck till they beg me for air. Hold on a sec, thats cruel, am i cruel like my mate said? Whatever, i don't care. " the meeting shall begin" said Dylan.

Hours later
This meeting has been going on for six hours and we are going nowhere, these slow pokes keep focusing on where the rogue went and finding him when we should be focusing on how he escaped without leaving a trace, heck, we couldn't even catch his scent and thats almost impossible. I'm fade up so i mind link Ray

Ray, get your ass up here immedeately or face the consequences" i said and he immedeately responded " but Alpha, you told me to take care of the girl, uh..... Jade" Ray " where are you?" I said " in the garden" Ray " leave her there, i'll take care of her while you  come make thing clear to these fools, got it" i asked " yes, Alpha" then i blocked him out.

Finally, i'm going to spend time with my mate.


So it's been six hour since xander left and Ray kept making me laugh, i think i like him but only as a friend.

"Let me take you somewhere magical and i know you'll like it"  he said " sure, but i don't know if i will like it though" i say " i guess we'll see then" he says " i guess so" then he grabed my hand and pulled me to the most beautiful place in the world " welcome to the pack garden" he said " wooooooooooow" this place is amazing i have absolutely no words, i am just grining like a fool " see, i told you you'd like it, and you haven't even seen the best part" he said " there's more?" I ask " oh yeah, now come with me" he said then pulled me to this beautiful lake, we were still in the garden though, and this part was decorated with lights and it almost looked...... Magical. " i get how u feel, and yeah it is magical, it drives all stress away" he said and it was the truth, i even forgot i was on this planet called earth, and i felt all my worries go away. I was at piece. I looked at Ray and he looked like he was focused on something but i just couldn't put my finger on what it was, then he stood up hurridly then i asked " what's wrong" he looked at me and said " Alpha needs me, i have to go, someone else will join yoy and continue from where i left off, okay?" I nodded okay " oh and before i leave, we are friends right" he asked " totally" i said " i guess t's later then" he said " later" i said then he walked away and i was left alone for a few second then i got a strong mouthwatering scent that was like mint and chocolate then he spoke up.

" i don't know what's prettier, this lake or the beautiful girl looking at it" xander said and those words were enough to get my heart up and racing then he sat next to me " hhhhm, i would also like to know" i said " well, the obvious answer is you, i mean just look at you, you look so cute i would kiss you if i could, wait a sec...........i can" he said then tried to reach for a kiss but i pushed him away while saying " mmmm, now who in the world told you can?" I asked him " uh, that person would be you" he said much to my surprise " what? When did i say that?" I asked " oh, you didn't, but your body and your wolf did" he said then he came so close to me and said " they want me to kiss you, they want me to touch you and they want us to be so close that not even air can come between us, but you, you are too stuborn to accept what you need, just let me in" his husky voice and his sent tingles up my body, all i needed to do was close my eyes and embrace the feeling then let him take over but i just couldn't, we made a bet that i really wanted to win so i pushed him away " urgh, you spoiled my mood, i'm going inside" i said the he stopped me " wait, aren't you forgeting something?" He said " what is it?" I asked "i still have to make you join the pack" he said in a duh tone " oh, right i almost forgot" i said then he chuckled and patted the ground next to him then i took a seat " I Xander Fox, alpha of the black moon pack make you,  Jade Hathaway a member of the black moon pack, do you accept?" He said then i nooded while saying " i Jade Hathaway accept to be part of the black moon pack"  and just when i thought it was over, he pulled out a blade " and what are you going do with that?" I asked " give me your hand and find out. Don't worry, you're a werewolf, it will heal in no time at all" he said then he took the blade and cut hes hand which stared bleedin instantly then with the same blade, did the same to me, then we put our hands together and our blood fused and i could feel that i became part of a pack, i felt the bond so i just kept looking at our hands.

Just then, xander got me offf guard  and kissed me, i kept telling myself to fight it but i ended up kissing him back, it was just too good and i didn't want it to come to an end, but as fate would have it, it did. I heard footsteps then i pulled away and pushed xander away.

"Why did you do that?" He asked " someone's com-" i was cut off by Ray " Alpha, i...oh, was i disturbing anything?" He asked then xander got up and said " uh, yeah you did" oh no, what is this fool about to say, i can't let him tell anyone that i'm his mate " oh, so you guys are friends?" Ray asked " no, she's my...ow" i had to do something, so i stomped his foot "i'm so sorry, i lost my balance. Forgive me Alpha, oh and what he ment to say was that i'm his best friend and he hates being called a mere friend so" i said while giving xander a death glare then he gave me a menacing smirk, was he planning something " oh, i get it. I wanted to tell you that i have managed to get the point across and there will be another meeting tomorrow" Ray said then xander said " okay, fine, but if it's as bad as today's i'll leave cause i have to spend time with my...ow" he looked at me while saying that last part then i got the hint, he was planning to tell ray that i'm his mate, but then i stomped his foot again " sorry, i thought your leg was a rat" i said " you'll pay for that" said xander then Ray let out a small chuckle " are you laughing?" Xander asked " of course not Alpha" Ray replied then Xander let out a growl " i'll leave now, guess i'll see you around Jade" said Ray " i guess so" i said then he walked away.

" haha, you made a joke out of me and it was so funny i forgot to laugh" said xander " glad you appreciate my comic skills" i said with a chuckle " why didn't you let me tell him you're  my mate?" he asked " cause unless you win the bet no one should find out about us" i replied " you and your stupid bet, anyways, i wanted to ask you, what's the plan for your mom?" He asked " well, i have to call her and..... Oh no, i have been here for six hours and this is 7pm, she must be worried, i have to call her. But wait, where is my back pack?"  I asked " probably still in the office where you left it" xander said " oh right, lets go get it then" i said the he nodded and we both went inside.

Hey loves
You like? Vote and let me know what you think in the comments section. I really like this chapter, it turned out better than i thought. Hope you like it, till next update.


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