Chapter 24

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"Alright Mizusawa. You'll be cleaning the girl's locker room. Do you understand?" The coach asked as he glared at her
"Yes sir" Matsuri said
"Now you're lucky that you get to clean the girl's locker room only" The coach said
"Thanks sir. I won't do it ever again" Matsuri said as she bowed down
"Hopefully you'll learn your lesson next time. Anyways head back to your class once your done. Got it?" The coach asked
"Yes sir" Matsuri said
"Alright. I'll be on my way now" The coach said as he walked away. Matsuri only sighed deeply and groaned I have to fucking clean this shit. At least I'm not in the boy's locker room...
Matsuri walked to the locker room and started to mop the floor
Next time...don't fuck with Mitsuko and Mei during class or else I'll get punished
She cleaned the floors and cleaned the showers. Matsuri groaned as she sat down
"Fuck I'm too lazy to finish up. Maybe I should just skip class..." Matsuri said and sighed
Just have to wipe the mirrors...that's all
She stood back up and went to the mirrors then began to clean them. Matsuri paused for a moment hearing someone at the arena then stepped out of the locker room
"Who the hell is there?" Matsuri asked as she walked to the arena. She looked around trying to find the person
Hm? Was it my imagination then? But I'm pretty sure I heard-
"Mitsuko. Mei. Enough with this nonsense and step out of your hiding spot" Matsuri said
"We didn't mean to scare you" Mitsuko said
"We just wanted to see you" Mei said
"That doesn't mean you have to stalk me" Matsuri said
"We weren't stalking you" Mitsuko said
"Well whatever. Let me just finish up a bit and I'll be back" Matsuri said as she walked back inside the locker room. She put the cleaning items back inside the closet and closed it
"It's your fault I had to stay and clean up" Matsuri said as she walked out the locker rooms
"We just couldn't help it. We wanted you so bad" Mei said and wrapped her arms around her
"Y-yeah well next time let's do it when I'm free" Matsuri said
"Oh you'll be having lots of free time" Mitsuko said as she kissed her cheek
"Eh? What do you mean?" Matsuri asked
"You'll be our intern" Mei said
"Wh-what?" Matsuri asked as she looked up at them
An intern!? For both of them!?
"You'll be working with us starting tomorrow" Mei said
"B-but my studies. I can't work and do my studies at the same time" Matsuri said
Besides I have a feeling you two want me as your pet instead of an intern...
"Yes you can especially with our help" Mitsuko said and played with her hair
"Y-yeah I know but I don't work good especially during business shit and paperwork" Matsuri said and pulled away from them
"But we want to see you everyday" Mitsuko said wrapping her arm around her waist
"I-I love you both but I-I mean...I don't want to mess things up in your company. I may have matured and grown up a bit shit is just not my thing" Matsuri said as she looked away
"But you don't have to work or do anything" Mei said and hugged her from behind. Matsuri blushed deeply and trembled a little
"Don't you want to be with us?" Mitsuko asked and kissed her neck softly
"Ngh~ I-I do but uhm..." Matsuri said and paused for a moment as she looked away
"But what?" Mei asked as she nibbled her ear gently
"Mmmm~ W-wait let's ju-mmph!?" Matsuri's eyes widen as Mitsuko kissed her
Shit not again!
"M-mitsuko wait!" Matsuri said breaking the kiss then trembled as Mei slid her hand up her shirt
"M-mei" Matsuri said and whimpered a bit
"Please say yes" Mei whispered
"We want to be with you everyday" Mitsuko said and leaned in towards her neck. Matsuri trembled and let out soft moans as they planted soft kisses mind is going blank. I c-can't think straight
"Maybe we should go back home" Mitsuko said and rubbed her lip softly using her thumb. Mei kissed her ear and nibbled on or gently
"N-ngh~ B-babes~" Matsuri moaned and trembled. Suddenly the doors opened and Matsuri pulled away in an instant
Shit! Who the hell is it this time?!
"Ah you two were here this entire time" The woman said and smiled
"What the hell do you want Nitya-san?" Mitsuko asked as she glared at her
"Aww don't be so mean to me" Theresa said and giggled
"You interrupted our moment together" Mei growled
"Ah sorry about that! I just needed to speak with you Taniguchi-san" Theresa said
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"It's just something important that I think you might find intresting" Theresa said. Matsuri held Mitsuko's hand and glared at the woman
I don't trust her...
"Oh relax Mizusawa. It won't take long besides...this is important" Theresa said
"What's so important? What's it about?" Mei asked
"Hmmm? None of your business" Theresa said
"Alright. Theresa what is it?" Mitsuko asked
"Let's just step out for a involves your cousin Estella. Hopefully that'll get your attention" Theresa said
"Okay" Mitsuko said and kissed Matsuri's head softy then kissed Mei's head
"I'll be back okay?" Mitsuko said
"Okay but...don't take too long" Mei said
"Yeah...and don't let that bitch do anything to you" Matsuri said
"I won't let her do anything to me. I'll be careful" Mitsuko said
"Matsuri-chan! The asshole is calling for you!" Ari shouted
"Shit! I have to get back to class. I need to get going but I love you both! I'll think about the internship thing!" Matsuri said as she ran out the arena
"Hm? Well...maybe it's okay to tell you two now that the little Mizusawa is gone" Theresa said
"Spill it. What the hell is it?" Mei asked as she glared at her
"Woah calm down. Listen while I wondered the halls...I bumped into your cousin. I ended up overhearing the little conversation with a certain someone on the phone" Theresa said
"And who the hell is it?" Mitsuko asked
"Hehehe...Khyra Chiya" Theresa said
"Let's see if you'll still be together with that bitch" Estella said as she pulled her phone out and dialed up someone's number
"Hello?" The woman answered
"Hey Khrya. I need you to come here...immediately" Estella said
"What for?" Khyra asked
"Only because your beloved Mitsuko is fucking with two bitches" Estella said
"What?" Khrya asked
"You heard me" Estella said
"Wh-when? Why haven't you told me anything!?" Khrya exclaimed
"Because it was none of my business" Estella said
"But we had a deal!" Khyra said
"Yeah I know but the deal never said stalk everything Mitsuko does. Only the important stuff" Estella said
"Since when has Mitsuko been fucking them?!" Khrya exclaimed
"Want to know more? Then come back in town immediately and come to my place. I'll explain everything to you" Estella said
"Okay. I'll probably arrive by tonight" Khrya said
"Hehe good. Oh and you'll be surprised once you find out about Mitsuko's two mates" Estella said
"Two mates?!" Khyra exclaimed
"Oops" Estella giggled
"Estella tel-" Estella hanged up the call and put her phone back inside her pocket
"Jeez what a bitch. She is loud too" Estella said and walked away. Theresa only walked away as she avoided Estella
'Damn Estella really wants to destroy their relationship? Hmm? This will be fun to watch'
End Of Flashback
"And so the bitch decided to being in Khrya to you know. Probably try and fuck your relationship up" Theresa said
"Isn't she your friend?" Mei asked looking at Mitsuko
"Yeah...she was" Mitsuko said
"Was? What do you mean by that?" Theresa asked
"Let's just say she got pissed off for no reason and decided to leave. I allowed her to leave and ever since then...I haven't seen her" Mitsuko said
"What did she get mad about?" Theresa asked
"That's none of your business. Besides the reason she left was stupid...but thanks for warning me about Estella. Guess that bitch is just furious..." Mitsuko said
"Pfft you should've seen that slut. She was hella mad all because your daddy gave you the company" Theresa said
"Thank you for telling me" Mitsuko said
"Yeah yeah. Anyways hopefully your relationship still works out. See ya" Theresa said as she walked away and left the arena
"Damn Khrya's back..." Mitsuko mumbled as she looked down. Mei looked around and laughed a little
"What?" Mitsuko asked as she looked at her
"Wasn't this our first time fighting?" Mei asked
"Heh you were really weak back then" Mitsuko said
"Yeah and your hair was pretty long too" Mei said and wrapped her arms around her neck
"You still have a lot to learn" Mitsuko said and pulled her close as she wrapped her arms around her waist. Mei leaned in and kissed her. Mitsuko blushed and kissed her back softly
"Now let's go back. We have to talk to that stupid professor" Mei said as she held her hand
"Ah right. He thinks she was skipping I guess. Alright let's go" Mitsuko said and walked away with her

During the afternoon the two Mizusawas started walking out of their class
"Finally done with those stupid classes" Nitski said as she stretched her arms out
"Did you finish your homework?" Juhin asked
"Hell yeah I did" Nitski said
"Wow you actually did something" Juhin said
"Oh shut up" Nitski said
"No really. Congratulations" Juhin said
"Shut the hell up. I know I don't finish my work" Nitski said
"Hehe yeah" Juhin said and smiled. Nitski only sighed and looked up at the little omega
Right! She's dating Hana now. Hmmm? You know I'm really curious...have they done it yet?
"Hey Nene-chan!" Nitski said waving at her
"E-eh?! Nitski?!" Nene exclaimed
"Hey Nene-san" Juhin said
"How is my little Omega doing?" Nitski asked as she wrapped her arm around her neck
"Wh-what? Oh uh...I-I'm doing okay" Nene said
"That's great. How about your little girlfriend?" Nitski asked
"U-uh well..." Nene mumbled as she blushed hard
"Have you two had sex yet?" Nitski asked as she smirked
"Wh-what?!" Nene exclaimed as her face got all flustered
"Nitski just leave her" Juhin said as she grabbed her then pulled her away from Nene
"Okay. I won't bother her" Nitski said
"Good. Don't worry Nene I have your back" Juhin said and winked at her
"Thanks Juhin" Nene said as she sighed. Meanwhile with Hana who was waiting for her girlfriend spotted a car driving by her car. Hana's eyes widen as she realized who's car it was
Huh? Wait a sec...aren't they? Shit! I have to get them!
Hana immediately stepped inside the entrance and looked up seeing the two Mizusawas along with her girlfriend
"Hana!" Nene said and ran up to her wrapping her arms around her
"Hey Nene. We need to get out of here" Hana said
"Huh? But why?" Nene asked
"She wants to fu-"
"Come on Nitski and Juhin. We have to go" Hana said
"Huh? What do you mean?" Juhin asked
"Let's go quickly and I'll make you both some food" Hana said
"Deal" Nitski said and followed Hana. Juhin looked concerned and followed Hana out
"Get in the car immediately" Hana said in her stern voice
"Uh but-"
"Yes ma'am" Nitski said and got in the car along with the others. Hana got in the car in an instant then drove away
"Woah! Hey what the hell is going on?" Juhin asked
Is she running away from someone?
"I want food before going to work" Nitski said
"H-hana?" Nene asked as she looked at her mate's expression. Hana only looked at Nene then gave her a smile
"Hana remember...don't say a word to anyone. Especially Matsuri...she does have to know about this yet"
Forgive me...but I can't say I word. I promised my big keep this a secret from everyone...even you Matsuri

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