Chapter 28

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The alarm rung and the Aihara groaned waking up. She sat up stretching her arms out then yawned softly
Ugh I'm so tired...
"Mmmmgh! Turn the shitty alarm off!" Matsuri whined as she grabbed the pillow then covered her face with it. Mei reached out to it then turned it off
"We have to get up" Mei said
"Fuck you" Matsuri groaned
"You'll get to fuck me later" Mei said and rubbed her stomach softly
"Can't I stay?" Matsuri asked
"No. You have your internship today" Mei said and slid her hand to her thighs. Matsuri blushed deeply and Mei went between her legs. She touched her pussy and began to rub her clit
"M-mmm~" Matsuri moaned softly
"Come on Matsuri-chan~ Wake up~" Mei whispered and kept rubbing her clit slowly. Matsuri moaned softly and gripped onto her pillow
"You want more?~" Mei asked
"M-mmm~ M-mei~" Matsuri moaned softly. Mei smirked and removed her fingers
"M-mei!" Matsuri whined and sat up
"Good. You're awake" Mei said as she smiled
"Wh-what?" Matsuri said as she blushed
"Now get up baby" Mei said
"Mei!" Matsuri said
" two are loud" Mitsuko groaned
"Mitsuko we have to wake up" Mei said
"Fuck..." Mitsuko groaned and sat up. She groaned and rubbed her eyes
"I'm still so sleepy..." Mitsuko said
"It's not my fucking fault. You two took turns fucking my ass" Matsuri said as she blushed
"We're sorry if we went rough" Mei said and stroked her hair softly. Matsuri blushed and kissed her cheek
"I enjoyed it" Matsuri said
"You enjoyed it too much" Mitsuko said and kissed her shoulder. Matsuri blushed and stroked her hair softly
"Hurry we have to get ready" Mei said
"Ugh fine" Matsuri said as she got out of bed. She went to the bathroom to get herself ready. Mei blushed as Mitsuko kissed her ear softly
"You better send me pictures and videos" Mitsuko said
"Of course I will and you better send some too" Mei said as she played with her long bang
"Love you" Mitsuko said
"I love you too" Mei said. Mitsuko's phone rung and she grabbed it
"Hello?" Mitsuko answered
"Mitsuko-san! How are you?" Theresa asked
"What the hell do you want?" Mitsuko asked
"Just wanted to warn you about the little bitches who decided to come back...especially Khyra" Theresa said
"Fuck...are you serious?" Mitsuko asked
"And she won't like it once she finds out that you're fucking with Aihara-san since..." Theresa paused and giggled
"Since what bitch?" Mitsuko asked as she growled
"Hehe it's best if I told you in person. I'll be waiting for you in the cafe so you better get their early" Theresa said
"Alright. I'll be there soon" Mitsuko said and hanged up
"Hm? Babe who was it?" Mei asked
"It was Theresa saying shit again..." Mitsuko said and put her phone away
"Let me guess. Khyra?" Mei asked
"Yeah...her again" Mitsuko said
"Do think your cousin is planning something?" Mei asked
"Probably all because my father gave me the company..." Mitsuko said
"But that company belonged to your mother right?" Mei asked
"Yeah but...that bitch doesn't fucking understand. I bet she is trying to break us apart" Mitsuko said
"That won't happen. We are fated mates and fate brought us together" Mei said and held her hand
"Heh you're right. No one will break us apart just be careful if you see her..." Mitsuko said and kissed her hand softly
"Of course" Mei said as she blushed. Meanwhile Matsuri was leaning against the bathroom door and looked down
Break us apart? Her cousin? What the hell is going on? Why now?
"And do you plan on doing anything about it?"
Matsuri looked up and looked at the mirror
" know very well that you're hopeless without me"
"Why do you keep appearing?" Matsuri asked
"They're definitely keeping a secret from you and you know it"
"Please shut up" Matsuri said as she looked down
"Why not let the Pink Devil out...? Is it because of your stupid dream?"
"It isn't stupid. I am an Alpha" Matsuri said
"An Alpha with an Omega heat huh?"
"Shut up" Matsuri said and grabbed her head
"Come on. You know very well that it's all a lie. This Alpha dream and being the greatest Alpha is pretty much a little kid's dream. know very well the Alpha strength is a lie. It was me who was able to fight them all..."
"Can you shut up?" Matsuri said
"I am the real Matsuri Mizusawa. Besides...what you keep saying is fucking shitty and it pisses me off. So mommy died...whatever..."
"Don't say shit like that pink haired bitch" Matsuri said as she growled
"What made you change? Because mommy died? Because you were beaten up? Because you weren't strong?"
Matsuri trembled and clenched her fists tightly
I changed because I was acting like a bitch...because I kept hurting others
"Mama sai-"
"Mama said bullshit...besides...I bet both Mama and Onee-chan have hid something from you. Something that you will definitely hate..."
"Wh-what?" Matsuri asked
" you still not know why your father and grandfather came back?"
"N-no..." Matsuri said
" should remember who you really are...Dark Devil"
"Wh-what?" Matsuri asked and all the sudden someone else appeared in the mirror. It was a tall woman with long black hair and wore a mask
Knock Knock
"Matsuri-chan you done?" Mei asked
"A-ah! Hehe yeah I'm done" Matsuri said and looked at the mirror seeing her reflection only. She trembled as she saw the tall woman again that wore a mask
"It was me who helped you get strong..."
Matsuri only let out a sigh and shook her head
Am I going insane? Or what?
"Hey Mei-san" Matsuri said as she smiled
"Get changed" Mei said and stroked her hair softly
"Do I have to wear something clothes?" Matsuri asked
"Yes" Mei said and kissed her forehead softly
"Okay" Matsuri said as she smiled. Mei stepped inside the bathroom while Matsuri was getting herself ready
"Are you ready?" Mitsuko asked
"Hm? Hehe I don't think I'm ready at all...especially because I'll be seeing your father later" Matsuri said and chuckled nervously
And he is going to kill me...
"You worry too much" Mitsuko said and stood up from her bed
"W-well because I have to show him that I am good enough and that I can handle business stuff I guess" Matsuri said
"You don't have to prove him nothing" Mitsuko said wrapping her arms around her waist from behind. Matsuri's eyes widen and felt something soft against her back
"U-uhm Mitsuko y-your body u-uhm... " Matsuri mumbled and blushed deeply
Her boobs are against my back!
"Hm? Something wrong?" Mitsuko asked
"N-not at all!" Matsuri said as she blushed deeply. Mitsuko smirked and grabbed her boob
"M-mitsuko" Matsuri said and whimpered
"What? You're horny?" Mitsuko whispered and started pinching her harden nipple. Matsuri bit down on her lip and trembled
Fuck! I'm turned on again!
"A-ah~ W-wait Mitsuko~" Matsuri moaned softly
"You're wet again aren't you?~" Mitsuko whispered
"Ahh~ Ahhh~ M-mitsuko~" Matsuri moaned. Mitsuko squeezed her boobs hard and pinched her nipple hard
"A-ahh~ Ahhh~ N-no wait~" Matsuri moaned and shivered as Mitsuko slid her hand down between her legs
"Alright I'm ready" Mei said as she stepped out of the bathroom
"Okay. I'll get ready too" Mitsuko said pulling away from Matsuri
"Y-you two are teasing me!" Matsuri said as she blushed deeply
"What? Do you want to fuck now?" Mei asked as she smirked
"We can do that but it has to be quick" Mitsuko said and licked her lips
"E-eh?! Wait!" Matsuri exclaimed as she blushed deeply
Shit! Sex beasts are after me again! My body can't handle it!

The alarm rung and the dark blonde woman groaned. She rubbed her head softly and looked beside her seeing her Omega mate. Hana stroked her hair softly and smiled softly. Nene groaned a bit and moved around body...
"H-hana?" Nene asked as she looked up at her
"Morning baby" Hana said and giggled softly. Nene gasped and sat up
"Wh-what happened?!" Nene exclaimed
"Calm down Nene-chan" Hana said and wrapped her arms around her
"H-hana...last night d-did we you know d-do it?" Nene asked as she blushed
"What do you think?" Hana asked as she smiled. Nene blushed deeply and looked away
"Come on. Let me take you to school" Hana said and stroked her hair softly. Nene blushed deeply as Hana leaned in connecting her lips with her. Hana kissed her softly and Nene wrapped her arms around her neck. Nene blushed deeply sucked on her bottom lip gently. Hana blushed and broke the kiss
"A-ah! Sorry ab-about that" Nene said as she blushed hard
What did I do?
"Relax baby. It's just'll be late for your class" Hana said
"Oh no! I'll be late!" Nene exclaimed and tried to get up but groaned in pain as she fell back on the bed
"Baby you okay?" Hana asked
"I-it hurts" Nene whimpered
"Hehe I think I got a little carried away" Hana said as she smiled then kissed her forehead softly
"D-did you use know" Nene said as she looked away
"A dildo? Hehe probably~" Hana said and stroked her hair softly. Nene blushed deeply and gulped
"U-uhm we should g-get going. I have to get to my classes" Nene said
"Sure" Hana said as she gave her a bright smile
She is so fucking adorable and cute. Shit...I want to see those cute expressions again
After getting themselves ready Hana took Nene away in her car heading to her college
"Thank you so much Hana" Nene said as she smiled
"You're welcome Nene and uhm... y-you know. You can come move with me" Hana said as she blushed deeply
Shit...I'm fucking blushing. This is embarrassing...
Nene's eyes widen and her heart began to beat fast
"L-live with you?" Nene asked
"Y-yeah if you want" Hana said as she was blushing like crazy. Nene only blushed and smiled softly
"I would love that" Nene said
"So you want to move in with me?" Hana asked
"Yes" Nene said and smiled softly
"Alright" Hana said. She stopped at the college and Nene stepped out of the car
"I-I love you Hana" Nene said
"Love you too" Hana said as she smiled. Nene giggled a bit and walked away going to the entrance. Hana sighed deeply and covered her face
Am I still blushing? Fuck I can't seem to stop...
Hana watched her mate leave and smiled
It's best if I go back and-
Hana's eyes widen as she spotted the Mizusawas and trembled
N-no...the Mizusawas...shit I was having so much fun last night that I completely forgot they were still here...what the hell am I suppose to do now?
"L-liana?" Hana asked as she trembled. Liana only looked down as she gripped the bloody knife tightly
"L-liana?" Hana asked
"Forgive me Hana...for being a terrible big sister but...I had to do it" Liana said as she looked down
"B-but killing someone i-is just...j-just..." Hana paused and teared up
"I's bad but...I had no other choice. Matsuri...can't be found by them" Liana said
"B-but...why care for that girl so much? She isn't part of-"
"Shut up Hana. I know Matsuri isn't part of our family...but I care for her. She needs our help and I need you to be her big sister. Protect her no matter what...even if it means to murder someone" Liana said
"L-liana..." Hana mumbled. Liana only dropped the knife and looked down
"Mom and dad wouldn't be proud but...I have no other choice. Those Mizusawas...they will definitely do something to Matsuri...after all...she is Miaseakuu and we can't let another tragedy like that happen again" Liana said. Hana only whimpered a bit and trembled
"D-does that mean...I have to kill t-too?" Hana asked as she teared up. Liana only walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her
"Forgive me Hana...I know you're worried and scared'll be okay" Liana said and pulled away giving her a smile as tears rolled down her eyes
"Liana I-"
"I have to clean up. Please take carry of Matsuri for me while I'm gone..." Liana said as she looked down then walked away
End Of Flashback
Hana teared up and hugged herself
Does that mean...I have to kill them?

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