Chapter 38

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The sunlight lit the big room and the alarm went off. The Mizusawa woke up as she sat up then stretched her arms out
Ugh...finally got some sleep
Matsuri looked to her side and touched the right side of the bed
Mitsuko left? Is she still...upset?
Matsuri gripped the bedsheets tightly and trembled
Must tell them...
" Morning Matsuri" Mei said as she held her hand
"Morning Mei..." Matsuri said as she smiled weakly. Mei felt concerned and sat up
"What's wrong?" Mei asked and kissed her hand softly
"I-it's about Mitsuko..." Matsuri said
"'ll be okay. Mitsuko will be okay" Mei said and hugged her
"B-but she looked so upset...and I feel bad" Matsuri said as she hugged her back and buried her face on her shoulder
"Mitsuko will understand..." Mei said
"You think so?" Matsuri asked
"Yes. Just give her some time. She is just a little upset..." Mei said
"But you understand right? I's just last night...I uhm..." Matsuri paused and trembled
"It's best if they don't know anything"
Should I really tell them? They must know right...besides...her two fated mates...they look just like them
"I-I'll tell you but I must have Mitsuko with me too..." Matsuri said
"Guess you'll have to wait" Mei said and stood up from bed
"Let's hurry and get you ready" Mei said
"Wait I have an internship again?" Matsuri asked
"What? No. We decided to only give you an internship once a week so you wouldn't struggle with your studies" Mei said
"Oh..." Matsuri said as she looked down. Mei looked at her then cupped her cheek making her look at her
"It'll be okay" Mei said and gave her a soft kiss. Matsuri smiled softly as she blushed
"Okay" Matsuri said. Mei and Matsuri got themselves ready to go to their place. Matsuri looked at Kitty who looked at her
Did Kitty see it too? She must've right? Because she was crying for help...but then I woke up on the couch. Was it real?
"Matsuri you okay?" Mei asked
"H-huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" Matsuri said as she smiled softly
"You sure?" Mei asked
"Yes Mei. Don't worry so much about me" Matsuri said. Mei looked at her and wrapped her arms around her pulling her close
"If there is anything in your mind you know you can tell me or Mitsuko..." Mei said
"Yes Mei. I know" Matsuri said. Mei leaned in and kissed her softly. Matsuri blushed deeply and kissed her back softly
I'm really sorry about this...please forgive me...
"Alright. Time to make breakfast" Mei said stroking her hair softly
"Okay" Matsuri said. Mei walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Matsuri followed her to the kitchen and went to the cabinets to feed Kitty but saw some food already on her bowl
Mitsuko fed her...
Mei prepared breakfast and placed the plates on the table
"Thanks babe" Matsuri said as she smiled
"You're welcome baby" Mei said and kissed her head softly. Matsuri blushed deeply and smiled softly. The two mates sat together and ate their breakfast
"Hey Mei why did Mitsuko leave so early?" Matsuri asked
"Hm? Well I'm not sure either. Maybe she had something to do" Mei said
"Is she still upset?" Matsuri asked
"Probably but she'll be okay. I promise" Mei said as she smiled
"I hope so..." Matsuri said
I don't want her to be mad at me...
"I understand if you don't want to answer this but...what were you doing last night in the living room with the latop?" Mei asked
"Oh that...well...uh it's just really difficult for me to say" Matsuri said
"Does it involve something bad?" Mei asked
"You could say that since Mitsuko's father gave me a flash drive and told me to see what's inside it but said not to tell you two about it" Matsuri said as she looked down
"So...that's why you were using the latop?" Mei asked
"Yes. I needed to see what was inside" Matsuri said
"And what happened? Kitty kept crying and we rushed down only finding you asleep" Mei said
"Yeah...and the flash drive vanished" Matsuri said and sighed
Could've it been the weird shadow thing? Probably but why did the flash drive vanish just like that?
"What was inside it?" Mei asked
"U-uhm...I'll tell you later when Mitsuko is around. It's just that...i-it's difficult to explain" Matsuri said
"Oh okay" Mei said. After finishing breakfast the two mates walked out of the mansion then Matsuri went inside the car
"Ready?" Mei asked
"Yes" Matsuri said. Mei drove away taking Matsuri to the University. Matsuri pulled her phone out and sent a message to Isoshi
'Meet me up at the entrance immediately'
Matsuri sighed softly and looked out the car window
I'm sorry but...I must know the truth about this. I'm so confused...
Mei looked concerned for Matsuri and arrived at the University. She stopped and Matsuri stepped out of the car
"I'll pick you up later okay?" Mei said as she pulled the window down
"Okay babe. Love you" Matsuri said as she leaned in and gave her a soft kiss
"Love you too" Mei said. Matsuri walked away going to the University and Mei left. Matsuri stopped and stepped out of the University
"Hey Matsuri-chan. Hm? You okay?" Ari asked
"Yes I'm okay" Matsuri said
"You sure? I don't look like it" Ari said
"I'm fine" Matsuri said and gripped her bag
Stop asking and just leave me alone...
"Morning you two" Arton said
"Hey Arton" Ari said
"Morning..." Matsuri said
"Uhm...did something happen?" Arton asked
"No it's nothing" Matsuri said
"Yeah right. You don't seem okay. Something happened between your mates?" Arton asked
"That's none of your business" Matsuri said
"You can talk to us you know?" Ari said
"Yes I know's just...nothing" Matsuri said
Hurry up Isoshi...
A car pulled up and Matsuri walked up to it
"Matsuri?" Arton asked
"Hey where are you going?" Ari asked
"I'm going somewhere. Don't tell anyone about this" Matsuri said
"Wait you're skipping?" Arton asked
"I just have to do something. Tell them I was sick or something" Matsuri said and stepped inside the car
"Matsuri? Wait!" Ari said
"Let's go" Matsuri said
"Yes Matsuri" Isoshi said and drove away. Ari and Arton watched the car leave them behind
"What the hell?" Arton asked
"Why did she leave like that?" Ari asked
"Do you really think that something happened between them?" Arton asked
"I'm not sure and I don't know if I should ask..." Ari said as she looked down
"It's best if we ask them. What if something is going on with Matsuri?" Arton asked
"I don't like where this is going..." Ari said

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